The Making of the Girls’ Fairy Birthday Party

August 4, 2014

I am still in shock that my girls are turning 4 and 6 this month!
It has been so fun getting back into party planning mode.. Life has been filled up with other things right now that fun DIY projects haven’t been possible.
But I knew that I wanted to have some fun with this birthday and make it extra special!
The girls have been through a lot this past year.. with me in the hospital and then moving to a new city. It’s been busy busy and I am so excited to do this for them! They have been loving picking the theme and helping me plan details. This is the first post of how it’s been coming together :)

I knew the girls wanted to have a fairy party… and when I saw these cute plates at target I grabbed them up with some cute matching favor bags.
I went to JoAnn the other day and took advantage of their end of summer sales on flowers! The girls(and micah) and I had so much fun picking out some cute ones for flower crowns and other fun diy’s. I ordered some pretty tissue paper from Papermart and I can’t wait to share how I’m using them! (girls’ tops from H&M.) fairyparty-thebusybudgetingmama3

These two have shared birthday parties all these years..and I know it won’t be like that forever…but I’m loving seeing how close they are and playing and learning together.
They are the gonna be the cutest fairies around! fairyparty-thebusybudgetingmama5 I made up an invite in photoshop and e-mailed it to our friends! fairyparty-thebusybudgetingmama7

I bought some wooden bird houses at JoAnns and Michaels and painted them white.
I left some with the wood for variety. I got a bag of moss at JoAnns and hot glued it onto the houses… along with some flowers! The kids and I went with grandma in their backyard to do some stick picking for the houses.
I have a few more houses that I haven’t photographed yet! fairyparty-thebusybudgetingmama2

Micah and Sienna helped me pick up some boxes for our fairy village! fairyparty-thebusybudgetingmama4

We are taking advantage of these last days of summer time and
can’t wait to share more of the party fun!


  • alex
    August 7, 2014 at 10:48 pm

    I can’t wait to see more! Knowing you, this party will be AMAZING! What lucky girls!!!