Sweet & Simple DIY’s for Summer Entertaining

August 1, 2010

I really feel like a few little details like these
 add such a special touch!
even if you’re just having a little get together with friends… simple easy touches like these show you care! plus they are adorable. :)
DIY Pom Pom Napkin Ring
Tools Needed for Pom-Poms: Colored tissue paper, floral wire, and satin ribbon
Cut four sheets of tissue paper into five- by 10-inch rectangles. Make 3/8-inch accordion folds.
Step#2: Fold a 18-inch floral wire in half and wrap around the middle of the folded tissue paper and twist.
Step#3: Trim ends into a rounded or pointed shape.
Step#4: Carefully separate the layers of the tissue papers, pulling each layer toward the center.
Step#5: Use the extra wire to make a loop on the back of the pom-pom. Insert a 12-inch piece of ribbon through the loop.
Step#6: Tie ribbon around the napkin. Voila: a fabulous flower-like napkin ring to dress up any table!

DIY Miniature Fabric Flower Garland 
Step 1: Fold your fabric and use the spool of thread to trace a circle. Then cut the circles out.
Step 2: Take one circle and fold it in half.
Step 3: Take the half circle and fold it in half again.
Step 4: Then take your circle and stitch through the bottom. Continue this step, adding at least 6 circles on top of the first.
Step 5: Once you have sewn all 6 circles, connect the petals together by stitching through each one at the corners and then tying off the tread with a double knot.
Step 6: Next, cut 3 yards of thread and add on the flowers one by one.
Project created by Dolci Odille

I’m linking up to these parties today!
                                Join us Saturdays at tatertotsandjello.com for the weekend wrap up party!

  • Evelien
    August 1, 2010 at 2:08 pm

    I must try this out! It seems to be not very difficult!

  • Cindy Felts
    February 28, 2011 at 3:24 am

    Whoa! That seems easy to make! Love to make those also. Maybe it is possible if I put them on my new blinds which I bought at a shop in Indianapolis. My daughter also loves decorating our beautiful shutters (Indianapolis) with paper roses and stars. And if I can teach her making this stuff, she will do better in arts and crafting.