So we close on our house on thursday and are renting back from our buyers for 2 weeks before we move into our new house! So besides packing up the house i’ve been trying to develop a concept for each room so that when we move in we have some sort of game plan and can get things “done” before the baby arrives 4 weeks later! (if i actually last!)
i’ve been having tons of contractions. more painful than with sophia and i can usually time them!! ::panic mode:: the other day… every time i stood up i would have one so i forced myself to just sit…hardest thing i could do! but i did finally get around to going through some junk drawers. definitely don’t want to move trash with us.
i’ve been having tons of contractions. more painful than with sophia and i can usually time them!! ::panic mode:: the other day… every time i stood up i would have one so i forced myself to just sit…hardest thing i could do! but i did finally get around to going through some junk drawers. definitely don’t want to move trash with us.
here’s what i’ve come up with so far for Sophia’s room in the new house. i’ll keep you posted on the updates and share all the fun diy projects we do in her space!


Paint colors:
Martha Stewart Paint line at Home Depot – Ballet Slipper and Terra Rosa
Dresser and Lighting – Ikea
Dresser Knobs – Anthropologie
Pom Pom Ribbon –
Pelmet Box Example
Reading Nook Example
June 24, 2010 at 10:25 amThat’s going to be dreamy and adorable. I think you should stick with the chandelier light. It’s so cute, girly and whimsical which all say “big girl” to me!
Laura and family
June 24, 2010 at 10:31 amI love it! Sophia will love it, too. Let me know how it goes so I can start planning Claire’s future room ;) ha ha! Take care of yourself and the new babe!
Caroline @ The Feminist Housewife
June 24, 2010 at 11:14 amI cannot wait to see her room. The moodboard is sooo cute!
June 24, 2010 at 11:58 amLooks like it’s going to be a lovely space for your little girl!
{Love “Ballet Slipper” – I’m actually planning on painting a few pieces of furniture in that shade in the next week.}
sharlyn emily
June 24, 2010 at 12:12 pmnatalie! this is adorable. I’m sure she is just going to LOVE it. when i was little my mom would let me pick fresh flowers (from either the grocery store or wild ones.. we live on 8 acres) so i’d have a new bouquet each week. i thought it was the coolest thing ever :) and its a great memory. also, i’d stick with the chandelier too.
side note: i love your signature. was it designed with your blog design or seperately? :) thanks!!
June 24, 2010 at 12:36 pmthis room will be so adorable when you are done with it. I love the jeweled chandelier!!!!
June 24, 2010 at 1:34 pmI love the color scheme! That’s pretty much the exact color scheme of my baby’s room!
Corie @ Red Letter Rising
June 24, 2010 at 9:41 pmWhen did your contractions start with your first? I’m due in 6 days and am still without any labor signs…
Good luck with your move. Her room is going to turn out AWESOME. My favorite inspiration photo is the one with the two green nightstands and purple bed in front of the window. Super cute.
June 24, 2010 at 11:04 pmLove it all, can’t wait to see how it all turns out.
Take Care,