I’m proud of my husband for the way he is helping me so much through this pregnancy…
The grocery store runs..gatorade runs..the back massages and letting me sleep in..
I’m proud of him for setting goals to lose weight and
already in a couple months losing 20 pounds! going after 20 more!
already in a couple months losing 20 pounds! going after 20 more!
And I’m proud of the way he is supporting his brother’s Ministry.. Dirty Vagabond..
and working so hard to raise money for those teens.
and working so hard to raise money for those teens.
He is running the Pittsburgh Marathon Relay next weekend..
So far he has raised $1,000 in just over 2 days! His goal is 3,000.
But the Ministry is still under their goal of 30,000.. All of the runners are raising money and even though I’m not a part of it…I want to help support my husband’s efforts..

So far he has raised $1,000 in just over 2 days! His goal is 3,000.
But the Ministry is still under their goal of 30,000.. All of the runners are raising money and even though I’m not a part of it…I want to help support my husband’s efforts..
So please…watch the video below..and if you can/feel called…
I have first handed seen God working in the lives of these teens!
This is my husband’s big brother’s ministry..
and He and his wife, with their 6 children, give all of themselves to these teens..
Would love to help them out..even if it’s with a shameless blog post. ;)
Lately I’ve been getting 10,000 + views a day………
PLEASE…if you are reading this..
This is my husband’s big brother’s ministry..
and He and his wife, with their 6 children, give all of themselves to these teens..
Would love to help them out..even if it’s with a shameless blog post. ;)
Lately I’ve been getting 10,000 + views a day………
PLEASE…if you are reading this..
even ten dollars can make a difference in their efforts.
I know we all have different things we support but If you can help…
it would be amazing. I’ll let you know how it goes!!!! :)
It’s been so exciting seeing the donations role in for Dirty Vagabond!
It is refreshing and inspiring to see people come together to help others.
Please pray for this ministry and their efforts in your prayers tonight.
God Bless!

Anddd….hopefully my husband isn’t that awkward runner on sunday.
hehe love you honey. :)
it would be amazing. I’ll let you know how it goes!!!! :)
It’s been so exciting seeing the donations role in for Dirty Vagabond!
It is refreshing and inspiring to see people come together to help others.
Please pray for this ministry and their efforts in your prayers tonight.
God Bless!

Anddd….hopefully my husband isn’t that awkward runner on sunday.
hehe love you honey. :)