So it’s a day past my due date…and my baby updates i get via e-mail have been mocking me congratulating me on the new arrival…little do they know i’m still suffering it through. contractions that make me bend over in pain have been coming on and off for the past month. getting more and more strong as the weeks have gone by.
my sister was visiting and of course had to inform me that if i went natural she heard it feels like a ring of fire. (i’m thinking if this baby comes fast, going natural might be my only choice.) fabulous imagery right? yeah..and to make it even better my husband has been singing johnny cash ever since. fabulous.
my sister was visiting and of course had to inform me that if i went natural she heard it feels like a ring of fire. (i’m thinking if this baby comes fast, going natural might be my only choice.) fabulous imagery right? yeah..and to make it even better my husband has been singing johnny cash ever since. fabulous.
one of these days we’ll get this baby here even if i have to force her to make an appearance.
lovingly force her. :)
our pastor came over for dinner the other night
and brought dessert…….
I’ve been keeping myself busy with my mom who is visiting by taking advantage of this “down time” to do some more prep for sophia’s 2nd birthday party coming up at the end of the month.

and for those of you wanting to see me in all my hugeness glory…. here you go.

August 11, 2010 at 11:14 pmYour sister is pretty much on target with the ring of fire comment. Don’t forget the knife piercing contractions. I had my third son w/out any drugs (not my choice, long story) and I can not understand why women choose to have babies naturally! I’m all for the drugs! Hope the baby comes soon for you and w/ a fast labor!!!
Tracey @ My House of Giggles
August 11, 2010 at 11:16 pmAwww….Natalie…please don’t worry too much about the “ring of fire”……I had my first son with an epidural (not by choice), and my second son completely naturally, and I’d choose natural over drugs any day. Hands down. You’ll do amazing!!!
Mom on the Run
August 11, 2010 at 11:22 pmYou will do great! I don’t know how you are still typing post. Can’t wait to hear the updates!
August 12, 2010 at 12:40 ammy good friend went natural because her labor came so so fast after many faults labors!! She still raves about how great her recovery was! Don’t waste time getting to the hospital, this baby my come fast! :)
Jenn @ Delicious Ambiguity
August 12, 2010 at 1:21 amMy son was 10 lbs 9 ounces and I had him completely natural. Your sis is dead on with the “Ring of fire” comment but it really doesn’t last very long. That’s what it feels right at the very end as the babies head is coming out. Its so exciting as they are making their entrance that the joy and excitement overtakes that burning feeling and you can breathe and push through it. The pushing time was very quick because I had full feeling and the recovery time was very quick as well so I am so glad that I decided to go natural-made me feel like superwoman thats for sure. I rekon this baby of yours will come quick from your status updates and hopefully will be easy for you! Good luck!
August 12, 2010 at 2:53 amyou are incredibly gorgeous…even at 40 weeks prego!!!!
i have been following your blog for a while now, but have not been brave enough to comment! for the past couple weeks every time i see that you have updated i am hoping to click over and see a picture of Sienna’s little face!!!!
come on baby! the world is waiting to welcome you!!
good luck with the ring of fire business!! my mom had 10 babies(not little ones either) all natural and it didn’t kill her! GO YOU!
Jen (
August 12, 2010 at 6:49 amHahaha, cute! I wouldn’t worry too much about the ring of fire. Sometimes it happens, and sometimes not. I’ve heard of women *with* epidurals still getting it, and I’ve also heard that it’s not nearly as…fiery?…after the first baby. And even after the complications I had with Imani’s presentation, I still love the idea of natural childbirth, even if it’s not by choice. Hahahaha!
And I love the milk shots. My boss told me when I was pregnant that one I could balance a mug of beer on my belly, I was ready to go. Imagine a half gallon of beer! :)
So of you’re you’re going to have this beautiful little girl while we’re on vacation, so we won’t get to meet her right away. :( Save a chocolate bar for the neighbors who definitely would have come by the hospital, but that kiddo stayed snug too long.
August 12, 2010 at 9:31 amI pray that you have a safe, healthy happy,non-ring of fire feeling delivery! And soon!
August 12, 2010 at 10:19 amCome on baby!!! I hope everything goes extra smoothly for you. You are so cute at 40 weeks and that cookies is just so cute. Looks like you’re doing some great party planning…can’t wait to see it all together.
Laura and family
August 12, 2010 at 10:41 amI had Gabe w/an epidural and Claire naturally b/c she came so fast and I LOVED my experience with Claire soooo much more!! Seriously- it was AMAZING the difference and recovery was way better. Yes it hurts, but the relief follows quickly. Blessings to you!
August 12, 2010 at 4:13 pmhang in there!! it will be ANY time now!!
August 12, 2010 at 8:27 pmI had my first with an epidural and it literatlly took me the whole 6 weeks and then some to recover! With my second it was natural(not by choice) and within a week I had completly recovered!!
I really hope the baby comes soon for you, anyone that has had a baby knows the worse part is the last week or so just waiting!
August 13, 2010 at 1:53 pmHILARIOUS! My husband LOVES that song and sings it all the time…but not in reference to giving birth! I have a sister-in-law who describes giving birth as feeling like fire, but my sister and I both recently had natural births and neither one of us would describe it that way. Sure, it burned, but after my crazy contractions, I LOVED pushing and welcomed any different kind of pain. YOU, my dear, are suffering MUCH worse from the contractions than I, so I’m sure you will be fine!
BTW, I thought you delivered Sophia naturally…??? I personally adored going natural. Of course it hurt, but it was INCREDIBLE and empowering! I would never have it any other way. My mom describes pregnancy and birth as the Passion of Christ. Seeing our baby at the end of it all truly is like a glimpse of His Resurrection!