Blog shout outs:
(thanks for contributing girls!)
Anna from In Honor of Design
Laura from House of Holkers
Sarah of TimWill
Jen from ImaniMama
Be sure to check back tomorrow for more Real Life Super Mama Wisdom! It’s been fun to see what my friends pick for their favorite mama must haves!
learn something new every day. :)
I think we can all use some tips and tricks when it comes to parenting! maybe these items are ones you know and love…or maybe you have some must haves yourself.
please share!!
please share!!
October 29, 2010 at 3:28 pmMy “Top Mama Must Have” would definitely be our ERGO. Living in a city of 18 million people does not lend itself well to traveling with a stroller, so our ERGO is like a part of the family. I can carry my baby and my groceries, board a mini-bus with no problems, and navigate the outdoor baazars without running into people. Plus, my back never hurts, even after riding a mini-bus, a ferry, a tram, and a train, and walking miles upon miles. I love the ERGO, and will definitely be getting another one for baby #2!
October 29, 2010 at 3:31 pmi can’t live without our Maclaren double stroller! it folds so compactly that i can take it on a bus, car, anywhere! only 7lbs.
October 29, 2010 at 6:50 pmWhen I found out I was expecting my second the only thing I wanted was the jolly jumper boomerang shaped nursing pillow. i had borrowed a friends with my first and I didn’t want to live without it. I also love my bebe au lait nursing cover.
We were a one car family when I had my first. I picked the Phil and Ted’s sport stroller because it was a compact stroller that could become a double (I knew we’d have another child and didn’t want to repurchase a stroller). I can steer it with one hand, which was more important than I realized. And the second seat can be made into a bouncy seat by adding a bar. Which means less junk in my house. Score!
October 29, 2010 at 10:24 pmI love these kinds of posts! It’s so much fun and very helpful to read what other mommies’ need!
And I totally agree with the wipes! Use them for everything!
Anna Liesemeyer
November 1, 2010 at 3:02 pmLove this post theme Natalie! So many great momma must haves to remember! Hope you had a fun weekend:)