Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
Here’s a glimpse into our sugar rushed day…
with some embarrassing videos of me with the girls at the bottom.
You will see what a dork I am..and see me in mommy action. ;)
It’s worth watching just for sophia’s giggles and singing.
LOVEEE my iphone from ben.. Still learning it.
any apps that I MUST get? share the wisdom.
Here’s a glimpse into our sugar rushed day…
with some embarrassing videos of me with the girls at the bottom.
You will see what a dork I am..and see me in mommy action. ;)
It’s worth watching just for sophia’s giggles and singing.
LOVEEE my iphone from ben.. Still learning it.
any apps that I MUST get? share the wisdom.
Ben and I each got something for the girls for valentine’s day..
I grabbed up at Target 2 little dolls for their dollhouse..
and ben got them little princess purses with candy necklaces inside.
Sienna was walking around all morning going…
“happy happy.. happy happy” :)
Sienna was being wild at breakfast..thus no photos.
I only took one and it was a blurry shot of her trying
to wiggle/throw herself/escape the high chair. 

Friend Camille the mod mama blogs here and sent me a valentine!
I thought it was so cute..and so did the girls!

I made eggplant parmesan for the first time last night.. my husband turned vegetarian on me and I’ve been trying to.. feed himmm. haha. ((Still learning what to make)) but ben is loving it and feeling great so I’m supporting him! (I made chicken parm for the girls and me…but I actually ended up eating the eggplant and had the chicken on salad today.. the last time I had eggplant parm was when I was pregnant and overdue with sophia..the doctor’s orders. ;)….
fyi: didn’t work. 5 days late.

If you haven’t tried out the Fresh Homemade Mozzarella “Sticks” recipe than you HAVE TO. right now.. make a note of it to grab some fresh mozarella and panko bread crumbs up at the store and make these.. all time favorite salty treat…amazingness. you will love.
And now..for your entertainment..silly mommy with silly babies!
I have a feeling this iphone is going to be dangerous. haha…….
Cheryl E.
February 16, 2012 at 9:16 amWhat a sweet V Day. Your girls are so precious.
February 16, 2012 at 11:49 amawww this just brightened my day :). so glad you liked it! too sweet.