Sometimes its hard to believe that we already have 2 girls and how they are growing up so fast!
But at the same time it feels slow day to day..
especially when your baby throws up all over you and your ‘at one time’ white couch.
or when your 2 yr old decides its a good idea to throw anything and everything into the trash can.
or hide your car keys minutes before you are trying to run out the door! :)
but sometimes when they wake up in the morning ben and i are like oh my gosh they are so big!!
we’re trying to appreciate every moment. you think i would be better at it because
i get reminded to do it a lot…
when i go out with the girls.. older women open doors for me and with a smile tell me to
“enjoy it while it lasts they grow up so fast! my kids are all grown!”
before i know it i’ll be that lady reminiscing when i see a girl with a car seat
and a diaper bag and a 2 yr old trying to wiggle away.
so i suppose this is my motivational speech to myself…. that the sleepless nights are totally worth it.. and that eventually i’ll be able to take long hot showers again without a baby escaping from the eyes of daddy and banging on the door, asking what i’m doing over and over and over. haha.
I was talking with the girls at the library about all this…
how the kids grow up so fast/but slow at the same time….
how when you are exhausted you wish
they would get through a stage quicker but how that’s not always the best thing to wish for! ;)
1. Like when I wished for Sophia to be able to eat table food so i didn’t have to be sore from nursing! and then she started eating table food and we had the mess on the floor/table/places food shouldn’t be..and all the stained clothes!
2. The I wished sophia would be able to walk so i wouldn’t have to carry her everywhere.. and when she finally did we had mad dashes out of the mall playground
area and her getting into anything she could reach!
3. And then i used to wish she could talk and tell us what she was thinking……………………….
this one makes me laugh the most. haha….
when she started telling us what was up and talking non…stop…. oh how we wished for the days of cooing. haha. not always.. but occasionally. ;)
i’m going to try and appreciate each stage more with sienna.. and not rush it.
to be present to my girls and my husband, valuing their time and the memories we are making even if it just cleaning the house together. :) sometimes it is easy for me to be going through the motions/my to do list..but i want each moment to matter that i spend with them!
anyone else with me on this??

she loves to snuggle.

my mom sewed sophia a dress up outfit for christmas..and this is the little headpiece she made for it. it has bells on it so sophia dances around jingling everywhere! :) the flowers she used were leftovers from a craft project back when i was little! nice job re-using, busybudgetingmama’s mama! ;)
sophia is wearing her pajamas..with her target tutu and the apron my mom sewed her for her birthday.

her poor little face was all red from wiping her nose with her sleeve!
so happy she is feeling better. that was no fun.

my mom sent me a joanns gift card for christmas! she had already sent some sewing tools and the gift card will be perfect to get material for my next project! thanks mom!
(sophia loved it too. hehe.)

shirt-old navy, boots & sweater-target, jeans-american eagle, bracelet-Forever21
And here’s a blast from the past moment: our first new years as newlyweds. :)
it was an 80’s theme…can you handle the awesomeness? my hubby is HOT. haha.

And here’s some shots from last year.. look how little sophia is!
and how nauseously pregnant i was. :)

this year for new years our goal was to be in bed before midnight.. haha.
we kissed each other happy new year at 11 and crashed.
when you have a 4 1/2 month old that woke up every 30 minutes the night before..
you sleep when they sleep. :)
And here’s a blast from the past moment: our first new years as newlyweds. :)
it was an 80’s theme…can you handle the awesomeness? my hubby is HOT. haha.

And here’s some shots from last year.. look how little sophia is!
and how nauseously pregnant i was. :)

this year for new years our goal was to be in bed before midnight.. haha.
we kissed each other happy new year at 11 and crashed.
when you have a 4 1/2 month old that woke up every 30 minutes the night before..
you sleep when they sleep. :)
JC's Loft
January 2, 2011 at 6:08 pmThat is such a good resolution! Happy New Year to you : )
Anna Liesemeyer
January 2, 2011 at 6:52 pmOhhh Love your resolution. I am with you! I just want to soak up my babies this year.
Beautiful pics!! <3
January 3, 2011 at 12:23 amI agree! Soak it up! Time spent with them is like a daily deposit into the emotional bank account! You’re doing a great job! God bless.
January 3, 2011 at 12:59 amHappy New Year to you! I can already tell that I will feel the same way with a second child. It does seem like I spent most of GG’s first six months looking ahead and not appreciating the present. I will not do that if I’m blessed with another child. Time flies too quickly to always be looking to the future.
Best wishes for a fabulous 2011, Natalie!
January 3, 2011 at 5:53 pmSweet, sweet photos and it is true time flies so fast with two:)
January 3, 2011 at 7:59 pmI totally agree! I have a 4 year old and an 8 month old (both girls.) My 4 year old I encouraged her to grow, and to do things “fast.” She was COMPLETELY walking, no help, on her 11th month. Now, my 8 month old…she just learned to sit up a month ago! LOL! I am in no rush for her to grow…and I hold her whenever possible, because I know it’s going to go by fast. :(
Days Gone Design Blog
January 4, 2011 at 1:49 pmWhat a sweet post:) Your girls are darling! I love their big, dark eyes! So beautiful. Thank you for sending over the issuu email. That is so cool! I have been working on a designing price list and I think this the perfect solution for presenting it!
LOVE your 80’s theme pics. My hubs and I have some very similar photos from a party we attended a couple years ago.
You look so amazing! I adore your jeans and boots! Do you know what style the AE jeans are? Does Target still carry those boots? Love!
Natalie Catherine
January 4, 2011 at 1:55 pm@Days Gone Design Blog….. the target boots i justtttt bought. so if you go soon you might be able to snag a pair on sale. i think they were going fast. and then the ae jeans are artist. and i LOVE them. they are soft and fit the body well. i had on the skinny jeans. but i love the regular style as well. its a staple of mine. hope that helps!
Days Gone Design Blog
January 4, 2011 at 2:27 pmThank you Natalie! My fav pair of jeans are classic style AE as well! I need to go get myself a pair of the skinny jeans as well and oh, those boots! Thanks so much!
CA Rhoades
January 5, 2011 at 1:45 pmYes, I am with you on your resolution! Rocky and I have that same experience of waking up and looking at Gemma like, “When did you get that big??”
[One of my other resolutions is to actually comment on people’s blogs that I read! Haha. I’ve been reading your blog for months now, and I realized I never comment! Until now :)]
January 5, 2011 at 6:07 pmAwww… I just love the photos of you and your girls. So cute!