My Thankful Photo Journal

November 26, 2009

(best graphic i can make…i’m sleepy. haha.)

Reading all of my favorite blogs…I see them posting about what they are thankful for and it really does make me want to sit down and think about it. Have you ever really done that? In prayer every night with my husband we thank God for various things but i’ve never sat down and written exactly what i’m thankful for..the serious and the silly. So i’m excited to be able to journal this. Thanks for viewing my thankful photo journal. you should try it! i feel very organized in my thoughts and heart..haha..if that makes sense. (i’m a list person. ask my hubby..i leave lists everywhere.. “things to do before i go into labor”…”things to do before i put the house up on the market” “cleaning to do list by room” i’m nuts i know.

1. I’m thankful for Jesus loving me so much that He died on the cross for me. I strive everyday to love like him…in the suffering moments and the joyful.

2. I’m thankful for my amazing husband who not only eats whatever i cook..even the wierd looking things.. he makes me laugh and keeps me strong. he is helping me get to heaven, encouraging me in my prayer life..he is the most amazing father to our baby girl. he supports me in whatever i set my crazy mind to and he knows how to make a bad day better even if its just grabbing me and spinning me around our family room aka our dance floor. i’ll stop with the mushy-ness here. haha.

3. I’m thankful for my daughter Sophia. She has transformed my life..i never knew i could love someone so much..i love seeing her grow every day and i love everything about being a mommy the good the bad the ugly(that means the wierd colored diapers) There are always the days where i realize it’s almost dinner time and i’ve done nothing on my list just chase her around and keep her entertained/alive haha…but when she runs to me and kisses and hugs me it totally makes it worth it. i even love the brushing”hitting mommy in the head with the hairbrush”my hair. i especially love the “mama!” when she see’s me. i even love the early morning wake-ups because she is extra cuddly in the morning. She has taught me how to love..and to sacrifice joyfully. she is squeezy cute.

3. I’m thankful for all of my Family and Friends..everyone who inspires me..encourages me.. makes me laugh! I am so blessed with great people in my life. My mom and dad are so amazing and although i always knew they sacrificed a lot for me it wasn’t until i had my baby girl that i truly realized everything that goes into parenting! I love all the friends who even when we don’t talk for months because our lives are crazy busy…when we do talk it’s like it was yesterday. i’m thankful for all of the fun memories i have with all of you.

3. I’m thankful for Mother Teresa’s Witness.. I had the opportunity to meet her when i was younger..i worked with her sisters all growing up. I am so thankful for her amazing life and the simple conversation she shared with me. She sparked in my heart the desire to serve the poor..which we are hopefully going to be able to do in a hugeee way if our soup kitchen comes along! (so far so good! i’ll keep you all updated. :) But she really was an amazing woman who showed so many people how to love in the little ways. I’m thankful for her life and that i was able to meet her. I was 10 years old..and she was the same height as me. and i wasn’t exactly a shy child..i told her i wanted to be a sister..i wanted to be just like her. she laughed at me because i was so young and told me to pray 3 hail mary’s a day for my vocation..what God wanted of me in my life… and i did that ever since.. and then i discerned i was to get married through lots of prayer..and then i met ben…and we prayed it together for our marriage..and we still pray it every night for sophia’s vocation and one day i’ll teach her to say it every night as well. She helped me to see that God has this amazing plan for me in my life..i just have to be open to Him and his will..and to say a pray to his mama for her to intercede for me every night. :)  i remember her soft wrinkly hands and i’m thankful for the blessing she is and was to so many people.

(i’m the girl with the blue headband to her right.)

4. I’m thankful for Jon McLaughlin. For his music…and the fact that it is the only thing sometimes that will make my baby girl fall asleep in the car. haha. When the hubster and I were engaged we went to a concert of his before he was big..and we sat up in the front..ben told him we were engaged and getting married soon so later he gave us a shout out and said “this song is for the love birds in the front” haha. he’s awesome..go check out his music! your babies will love it! and so will you.. (atleast the first 5 times you loop it..then you might need a break. ;)

5. I’m thankful for the Roof over my Head.. The food on my job with a great boss and pastor. being alive.. being free.

i could sit here and go on and on i feel like i have so much to be thankful for. But it’s time for bed. 
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
What are you thankful for??

  • Cynthia
    March 25, 2010 at 12:58 am

    Hi Natalie! I am a (fairly) new follower of your blog…which I am so enjoying! I am NOT in the least creative when it comes to house and style..but oh am I interested ;^) Love your ideas!

    I found a link to this post within and loved it so much that I wanted to comment. Mainly because I love, love, love Blessed Mo. Teresa and thought about being a sister of hers too when I was a little girl. God had other plans…but the Sisters of Charity always make my heart flutter ;^) Such wonderful things you are thankful for. I love reading things like that.

    Ok, looooooong comment. Yikes.

  • Laura and family
    May 15, 2010 at 7:31 am

    Your newest post suggested this one so I checked out.

    CANNOT BELIEVE YOU LOVE JON MCLAUGHLIN AS MUCH AS I DO! He used to sing at all the young life activities I went to and I thought I was in love, ha ha. Would love to see him perform again one day :)

    What is your favorite song?

    (P.S. REALLY? My word verification is “eyndoodo”. Sounds like something Gabe would say!!!