So my due date is coming up... and i’m trying to plan as much ahead of time as i can. to be perfectly honest i’m way more nervous this time around then i was with sophia… her labor and delivery were so amazing and “fun” actually..(i know crazy.) but it makes me nervous that there is no way that i can have that twice in a row! but…trying to stay positive, not stress about it and praying for Jesus to fill me with His peace!!
little projects like this help keep me sane… i wanted to feel more settled about what was going to happen with sophia when it was go time. so one night i stayed up making a list of what she would need. (i’m a list girl…i get it from my mom!! hehe.)
we have some great friends from church that watch her all the time and she loves them.. they are like family. my mom is going to come up as soon as she hears anything but it’s still an 8 hour drive from charlotte…so i wanted to have a “sophia survival kit” put together for whoever ended up with my sweetie! just to make it easier. and it is amazingggg how much peace of mind this gave me. how silly right?? but it works.

I plan on making a t-shirt for sophia with this graphic i created! but for now i printed a copy out to put on the box. i have a couple different designs i’m gonna make up on some t-shirts for her. i’ll be sharing that tutorial sometime soon.

i forgot to put tutu on the list!! but that is a must….
this is what we do first thing in the morning: tutu is requested.. dance party.
then and ONLY then…can the day officially begin. haha.
for those of you expecting your 2nd baby… this little survival kit gave me so much peace of mind. i highly recommend it. :) by the time i have my 3rd or 4th i’m sure it won’t be as organized haha. then again..knowing me.. it might! ;)
i’ll be sharing more of my labor day supplies this week.. i have a folder of stuff for it on my computer…’s very own folder….haha. can you tell i’m nesting in all ways possible??? hehe.
I’m participating in these parties for thursday..
link up your blogs ladies!
G's mom
July 8, 2010 at 6:56 pmThat’s good that you have it all organized!! I’m gonna keep your list in mind for when I have my second one! And that is a cute little tutu your baby girl is wearing!! love your blog! check mine out at
July 8, 2010 at 7:07 pmNat you are so cute! and I can’t believe you are due so soon! I will have to come out to see you and your girls soonish, my sister is moving to pittsburgh for school so ill be visiting her at some point…
July 8, 2010 at 10:18 pmThis + candy bars = perfection!
July 9, 2010 at 12:08 amSuper Cute :) And what a Great Idea!!!
July 9, 2010 at 9:44 amThis is the best idea EVER! When I had my 2nd (I was scheduled for a c-section but he came early) I had nothing prepared for my daughter and I wish I had. This idea is genius!
Heather J
July 11, 2010 at 11:40 pmJust found your blog via Lavender & Lilies and had to say thanks for your labor day survival kit. I’m not quite there yet, due in November with #2 but I’ll be sure to keep this in mind as I get closer. Great blog.
July 19, 2010 at 11:14 amFantastic ideas! I am due with baby #3 on August 1st. I have big sister & brother bags ready for them with some goodies to give them at the hospital but had not thought of a special kit of essentials for them and whoever ends up keeping them! Love this! Thanks so much for sharing!
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August 24, 2011 at 2:19 amI like the ideas
January 5, 2012 at 12:52 amOn Earth Day, bring any bottle of face lotion, body lotion or any beauty product that’s full of parabens, artificial dyes/fragrances or anything else questionable into any Origins store and trade it in for a free full-size Origins product (two options for you…. face cleanser and a lotion). It’s like a $22 value. Plus, they’ll recycle your old product free of charge.
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