Mom Probs.

May 18, 2016

I have four sweet kids. Love them. They are my world!
Motherhood is a good mix of insanity and magical.
We all have days where we go from wanting to pull our hair out because
we’ve been saying no and don’t do that over 40 million times that hour…
then in a blink we are getting sweet slobbery toddler kisses on our cheek and hearing
you’re my favorite mommy and start crying thinking about their wedding day. It happens.
We all learn how to handle the lack of sleep…some are smart and sleep when kids sleep.
Others are like myself and stay up way too late because you’re a night person and want some time and
then wake up a non-morning-person-mom zombie and the vicious cycle continues.

I thought I would do a quick round up of mom probs that I think most of you can relate too.
These are non earth shattering issues. I mean, if we were in real life I would let you
complain to me about it and then say go eat a cookie.
we got this. lol.

You will suddenly realize you have had to pee for over an hour and
you wonder why you don’t just stop what you are doing and go to the bathroom.
Oh wait I know…
because when you do that usually something burns in the oven,
a child gets “injured” by another child,
the doorbell rings, the phone rings and the happy baby turns
mad baby when he realizes you aren’t holding him.

Asking a three year old for a photo means you will
get the exact opposite of what you are asking.
If you want him to say cheese… don’t say it.
Or else. you get this.
Obviously taking photos is torture.
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When you are doing bed time. Your kids will need all the things.
A Tissue. A hug. to pee again.
A glass of water. to pee again. Different pajamas.
Their favorite stuffed animal that they forgot was their favorite till just now.
They will make you want to call your mom crying that you can’t do it.
And then suddenly they will be asleep and you’ll want to 1. fall asleep in your clothes.
or 2. Pull out the ice cream that they lost
for bad behavior at dinner and make yourself a huge cone and watch all the netflix.
You will most likely regret option 2 the next morning. But you’ll do it anyways.
you MIGHT choose option 3. Which is fold laundry while watching netflix.
but usually you just move the laundry so you can sit and watch nextflix.

You will randomly turn into a tornado mom. This is a known condition that has no cure.
It is caused by kid clutter.
Toys that are taking over your house.
Toys that you think are so fun to get for your kids and then they play with them
and don’t clean up unless they hear mom’s batman voice.
Once a certain amount of “clean your room please” statements have been made,
with a snail-like response, Tornado mom will appear.
She is scary. and usually threatens toys going in trash bags and to good will.
Sometimes she gets cray cray and exclaims no more getting toys ever again.
Kids are usually silent at this point and cleaning around the tornado mom.
The house will be the most clean after tornado mom leaves.
Dad likes tornado mom because she is FINALLY talking
about getting rid of all the toys like he wants.
Also, the house is amazingly clean.

PS. Being a three year old boy is very awesome.
It’s all about hulk smashing and sofa snuggles.
life lover.

Being almost 8 and 6 is also pretty sweet.

Your kids will always be hungry.
You can give them a cheese stick, apple and a tub of ice cream
and they will still fall on the floor 10 minutes later complaining that their tummy is empty.
They also will want whatever the other person has. So. buy in bulk.
I don’t suggest letting them pick out their own snack. It never ends well.
Also, if they see you eat something or smell you eating something…
they will come like a ravenous pack of wild animals to eat whatever  you have.
So hide. OR.. you know just teach them to have some self control and good behavior.
or hide.

I’m pretty much obsessed with being their mom.
They make me laugh-cry. and cry cry. on a daily basis.
I want so much for them. And although it’s hard work disciplining and teaching them
and helping them to grow, It’s the most rewarding job in the world.
These are my people! I want them to have a joyful family life…but know there is a right and wrong.
I want them to learn from their mistakes and know how to say sorry.
I want them to see me say sorry when I need to also.
I hope they always are there for each other and stay close.
Most of all I hope that as they grow they realize that yes, being a parent is hard work,
but it’s my favorite thing in the world and I love them.
Also, that they better bake me all the cookies when I’m older and visit me all the time.

I hope you are having a wonderful day!
If you are going through a rough patch of motherhood, hang in there.
In every season of my motherhood, there have been more challenging areas and parts that came easier.
Be patient with yourself… realistic…and focus on your blessings!

  • Whitney
    May 18, 2016 at 11:16 am

    Love your blog! Your family is beautiful!

    • natalie
      May 18, 2016 at 11:23 am

      thank you so much! you’re so sweet!

      • Whitney
        May 18, 2016 at 12:02 pm

        You’re welcome! I’m hoping to come to your next Mom’s Night Out since we are only 20 minutes from Charlotte!

  • Annalee Thomasson
    May 18, 2016 at 11:19 am

    LOVE THIS! Getting ready for twins, I am constantly thinking about how I will handle all the mom problems!

    • natalie
      May 18, 2016 at 11:22 am

      you got this! it’s going to be amazing! :)

  • Bethany
    May 18, 2016 at 12:25 pm

    Awesome from the heart post! Why is it that dad’s want to get rid of all the toys and us moms just can’t?! I definitly think that moms need a daily reminder that we are doing the most important work of all…even if we are “just a mom”.

  • Jen Smith
    May 18, 2016 at 2:30 pm

    I’m so glad tornado mom visits your house too! Just last night she appeared and was yelling about putting all the toys in the garage while the kids silently cleaned around!! Love your honesty and humor! Thank you!

  • Suzanne W.
    May 18, 2016 at 3:04 pm

    This post made me crack up! I too laugh cry and cry-cry every. single. day. Tornado mom and batman voice are the two phrases that just made me lose it. It’s so refreshing to see the silly side of the hardship of parenting little ones. I always look forward to reading your posts and admire your willingness to be open with your readers.

  • Kelly J
    May 19, 2016 at 1:53 pm

    Great post! Thanks!

  • Justine
    May 20, 2016 at 9:45 am

    Needed this today. The tornado Mom bit is my fave ;) Also, your kids are adorable. Thank you for sharing!

  • Pebbles
    May 27, 2016 at 12:53 am

    I just love your sweet pictures and family REALness. DITTO TO IT ALL, MAMA!