We desire community. We want to feel connected with people!
This goes for anyone…but I’ve experienced it even stronger since becoming a mom.
It’s so easy for us to get caught up in our to-do-lists that we can put our social life on the back burner.
Tackle that mountain of laundry or go grab coffee with a friend?
Tackle that mountain of laundry or go grab coffee with a friend?
You wouldn’t think that would be a hard decision to make…
but sometimes we can put more importance on our house
and mom duties than our own personal needs!
Maybe we don’t prioritize going out…and maybe we don’t see it as beneficial.
Maybe we have a lot of mom friends..but don’t feel super close with any of them!
I have found that I can’t expect to meet someone and be instantly connected and
know each other’s hearts and goals and be best friends without putting time into
that relationship. When you write it out, it seems like a no brainer.. but so often we
think that if we don’t have an immediate connection with someone,
that that friendship is not for us. When in reality, you need to foster that friendship…
put time into building it up! I am so grateful that I had this on my heart to
do and then it was even more encouraged while I was at the Influence Conference.
I knew that I had some pretty awesome women in my life that
I needed to make time to spend time with! Luckily I
have a very encouraging husband who has told me repeatedly, “GO OUT WITH
YOUR FRIENDS ONCE A WEEK… YOU NEED IT.” And my response was always,
thanks babe but I really need to finish up some things..and then if I have any spare
time I need to sleep.” LOL. But I realized that I needed that community and connection
with fellow women and moms. So I decided to consciously make the decision to
actively plan get together with moms..invest that time in our friendship…
and I am SO HAPPY that I started!
Ben was recently out of town. He doesn’t travel much, like at all, but each time he
does I feel more and more capable of my parenting skills. Anyone who is a single
mother or has a husband who travels a lot IS MY HERO. seriously. I was in survival
mode. But my problem is I can’t keep them in the house or else I go stir crazy.
So we brave the open outdoor world. And it usually is worth it.
There are plenty of times I’m mustering to myself “what was I thinking”…
especially when we are checking out at walmart and I realize that my
credit card is missing..go home to search for it..find it in sienna’s play purse…
and I’m stubborn enough to load them all back up and go back to check out again.
I had the great idea of taking the kids to shop for fall porch decor –bales of hay and pumpkins. it was 50% off bushes sowhy not squeeze some bushes in there too…I was given lots of “God bless you!” comments during this trip. ;)What are they going to say when I have 4 kids with me?? haha.![](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nRBfKS4T_6M/UmE8aKJjJkI/AAAAAAAARGU/S3drUerHt9U/s1600/momlife-thebusybudgetingmama2.png)
A family friend texted me while ben was gone, asking if I would want
her to come over one night to watch the kids so I could go out. My response?
UHHH Yes. I’ve been up since 5:30 am when Sienna got in my bed..and peed.
That sounds amazing THANK YOU. lol.
I was counting down the minutes to have some girl-adult conversation timewith a couple friends.. especially in the moment when my sienna came to mewith poop on her fingers seconds before we needed to dash out the doorto get her sister from school. poop accidents always come at that best times.
It was such an awesome time to talk about big and little things…
and I came home feeling refreshed and encouraged.
I think we all want to have people understand us and have friendships that
are deeper than the small talk. We need to give opportunities for this to happen!
This goes for our relationship with God too…how can we expect to have
a relationship with Him if we don’t spend time with Him?
So Jesus and my mom friends..I’m coming for ya.
I mean that in a nice way. lol.
Gotta run…. Sienna is loading up the lower bunk bed for a plane trip…
Not sure where we are going but I hope they serve
a snack on the plane. I’m starving.
ps. Micah is my carry on.
Marcie Halden
October 18, 2013 at 10:47 amThis was absolutely just what I needed!! Thank you for being such an honest and fun person!! I watch 5 kiddos, all one and under, except for my two year old :) so I feel what you are saying soo much! thank you
October 18, 2013 at 10:58 amlove this post. I always forget to have ME time. And you are correct we NEED it!!!
Christine Hutchinson
October 18, 2013 at 11:44 amYou are so right. There have been many times over the last nine years of motherhood that I have felt like an island. I love the connections I have made through blogging, but I also need to make more time for my non-blogging friends. I have a couple of dates on the calendar for November and I am really looking forward to them!
October 18, 2013 at 12:32 pmAgreed. Friendships are so important but too often get shoved to the bottom of the list! I’ve been trying to improve on making them more of a priority over the past year but still have some work to do! I really enjoyed when you came over for a play date in April, hope we can do it again sometime :) I’m glad to hear that you have been making some more meaningful relationships lately, I’m sure it helps to heal your heart from the loss of Shannon. And so excited for your book, what a wonderful accomplishment and I know it will bless so many other moms! You’re such an inspiration to make a real difference Natalie! God bless you girl!
Amber @ Mommy's Me Time
October 18, 2013 at 4:10 pmI love this! We are kindred spirits today because I literally just published a post about this too! Adult interactions and conversations are SO important! Thanks for affirming what’s also on my heart. Oh, and I hope you had a smooth flight! ;)
October 19, 2013 at 8:22 amThank you so much for this encouragement! I too am guilty in putting house work, to do lists and rest before being intentional with friendships. I’m now inspired to change this! Thank you! Us Momma’s need TIME to get out and refresh our souls!:)
Tina Milas
October 21, 2013 at 3:03 amWonderful and inspiring post Natalie! Over the past 4 years I most definitely was guilty of putting friendships on the back-burner. :/ So happy to hear you got a chance to have some mama/lady adult interaction and enjoyed yourself!!! <3