Was going to do a different (longer) blog post
but remembered I am the maid..
So this will be a shorter one. but awesome.
When talking with other moms..the one question we always ask each other is..what do you do all day? What’s your routine? We want to see what keeps them busy!
what do they do for fun with their kids?
Are they losing it from exhaustion half the time like me?? haha.
We want to get ideas from them..or just bond in our adventures in mommy-hood.
It’s fun looking back through phone photos..
it documents our day to day busy. real life.
here’s our recent busy-ness………
Park fun..enjoying the weather before we freeze.
here’s our recent busy-ness………
Park fun..enjoying the weather before we freeze.

Mommy’s little helpers. running errands for a party at Church.

Shopping with mommy.
This rare occurrence of them sitting in the cart doesn’t last long.
They are wild.

Music Class! Organized chaos.

my husband working on his DIY Thrifted tennis trophy………..
He and his friend are very competitive…and ridiculous.

trips to the pet store! as close as they’ll get to owning an animal for a longggg time.. haha.
I totally turned into that mom.

nap time. (sophia is faking…)

on the left..me with my new glasses.. yay for being able to see far away and at night!
and on the right…one of those days it was a miracle they were even clothed.
don’t ask me to have them match/look decent.

PS. Sophia knows how to use my phone..she usually takes cute photos.
Not so cute when she goes into a public restroom with me
and says say cheese mommy!…..deleted.
I would much rather be doing
all of the above activities before laundry and dishes….
and it is proof in the state of our house right now.
off to do the dirty work. ;)
November 15, 2011 at 12:50 pmCamaraderie over laundry and messy homes, yep us mamas love it. Helps to know we’re not alone. Thanks for sharing yours! Some days we barely get dressed either ;)
Stephanie of Gumdrop Pass
November 15, 2011 at 4:17 pmI LOVE this post. I can’t tell you how much this relates to the inner battle going on in my head right now. It’s naptime so I’m using it (unproductively) to blog and catch up on reading others’. In my head I’m thinking “He’ll be up soon… I need to clean the bathrooms… but it’s so pretty out, we should go to the park!”
I have a feeling I’ll get started on one of the bathrooms, he’ll wake up, and I’ll just have to put off cleaning until later… They’re only this age for so long, right? :)
Hope you have a good week!
November 15, 2011 at 4:22 pmI laughed out loud at the line: “one of those days it was a miracle they were even clothed”. Oh my goodness, can I relate! Some days when my boys “dress” themselves, I’m just happy they’re out of their PJs. haha Glad to know we’re not the only ones! :)
November 15, 2011 at 6:33 pmWow…this post totally came at a time in my life were it is totally relevant. I’m a brand new momma (he is just over 3 months old) and I’ve really struggled with trying to be a good mom/ good wife/ and still ME. I have been thinking about it so much I decided to create a new blog focusing on all of those different aspects of life. http://www.leavethelaundryforlater.com has been in the works design wise and will be seeing posts go up next week.
I’d LOVE it if you felt like doing a quick guest post on something you do that helps you lead a fulfilled life while the laundry is waiting in the balance!
Houses, Couches and Babies
November 16, 2011 at 2:52 amSo, I have been dealing with my internet connection not working for the past 2 hours, basically freaking out because I haven’t been able to finish a post about my daughter’s Rapunzel birthday party. As I finally was able to get a connection and log in to blogger, I couldn’t help but read your post. Thank you for reminding me that it is okay if we don’t stay on schedule with a blog post and that we do need to take care of what is most important. And I love all the pics of you and your family! And the glasses look great on you, BTW!