Saturday morning we packed up the girls in the van.. and cruised around to different garage and estate sales. I love finding bargains! and thought it would be a good way to take advantage of the nice weather..and possibly find a doll house to DIY Update for Sophia’s Christmas present!
No Doll house..but we lucked out and found a few AWESOME things that were on
our “that would be nice to get if it was cheaper!!” List.
I have had my eye on this Tullsta Ikea Chair for a while…
retails for $99. Priced at Garage Sale for $8.
I bargained the sweet lady down to $3. (I had a cute baby on my hip..)
I took her denim slip cover off…and the hubby scrubbed the chair…
but it still has a hint of smoke smell…Any favorite products I should use??
Planning on getting a new slipcover for it soon..hope that helps too.

Sienna was pretty excited about the whole thing. ;)
Sophia…just woke up.

November 20, 2011 at 1:41 pmYou could try taking it to a dry cleaners. I love your gallery wall and would love to do one like it in our master bedroom with our wedding photos. Could you do a post with the details of where you got the frames and prints? :)
Jess Craig
November 20, 2011 at 1:52 pmvinegar! it smells… vinegary at first, but then once it dries it smells like nothing. it’ll deodorize it.
November 20, 2011 at 4:09 pmThis happened to me with a fabric covered bouncy chair I got at a garage sale. It took a while, but I used a good dose of Febreeze and would let it air out by a sunny window or even outside. It took a few application but it did come out.
Good luck! And what a good find!
Y. Garza
November 21, 2011 at 12:18 amYes, air it out outside (best thing for it) and spray with febreeze but use the one for allergens, it works best. So jealous that you got such a great deal!
A. E.
November 22, 2011 at 3:53 pmWow, nice find. I sometimes have used the heavily scented fabric softener sheets in smoky-smelling books I’ve found. But no clue if this would work as well on furniture. Sorry.
Alpine Dermatology
November 26, 2011 at 3:47 pmBaking soda helps get risidual smells out of fabric. Sprinkle it on there and let it sit for a few hours and then vacuum it up.
December 16, 2011 at 2:41 amThis might be a little off topic, but your babies are so adorable! :) You have a beautiful family there!