Honor Teachers with Juicy Juice’s 100% Thankful Teacher Contest!

August 14, 2020

Our Teachers always go above and beyond! When we moved into virtual learning, right as we brought home our sixth baby, I was a little overwhelmed. But the kids’ teachers helped to keep the kids engaged and learning! I was so thankful that they cared about my children as a whole- wanting to help them learn but also encourage and uplift them. My oldest daughter was really missing interacting with her classmates and it made my heart so happy that her teacher scheduled “just for fun” zooms where he could check in on all the kids and the class was able to chat with each other! Micah’s teacher had a “virtual” luau for his class! Sienna’s teacher did the sweetest gift drop off at the end of school. She put a flower yard toy in our yard with affirmations written on it and you would have thought she left a million dollars in our yard! It brought so much joy to my little 4th grader. :)

As we head into this new school year, I am so grateful for all the work they are doing to help us again! Which is why I’m teaming up with Juicy Juice to share their 100% Thankful Teacher Contest! To honor and thank our teachers, Juicy Juice is giving away over $30,000 in prizing to set them up for the best school year yet!


Now through August, Parents can nominate the superhero teachers who have made school special for their kids, whether in-person or through virtual learning. Michaels is partnering with Juicy Juice to provide gift cards for the winners to help foster creativity in kids.

Go to juicyjuice.com/thankful and nominate a teacher today! Nominations are open until August 31st!

20 teachers will be selected as finalists and then the voting begins! All 20 finalists will win an assortment of prizes, with 2 grand prize-winning teachers each receiving $10,000 and others winning a selection of Juicy Juice merchandise and product and a Michaels gift card.

My kids are always happy when Juicy Juice is a part of snack or lunch time! I love that it’s 100% juice with no added sugar ever and is available in 15 tasty flavors! Do you guys have a favorite flavor? My kids have been going for the classic apple flavor lately. We are stocked up and ready for lunches – at home or at school!

I hope you join me in nominating a teacher that has gone above and beyond for your family!

Thank you Juicy Juice for sponsoring today’s post and loving on our teachers!