I just returned home from a Social Media Conference called BLISSDOM.
It was My First Conference Experience!
It was My First Conference Experience!
It was in the beautiful warm Dallas..
I love the pretty snow outside my window right now…
but I was teased with warmth down there and I want it back. right now.
hear that mother nature? It’s time to get hot in PA…
I’ve decided this and I know you read my blog, so c’mon.

Row one: Nancy from Haus to Home Tonya from Love of Family and Home Caroline from Chocolate and Carrots
Row two: Nancy, Tonya, Robin from Robin’s Chicks, Jenn from Blissfully Ever After, Mandy from House of Rose
Row three: Mandy

Row one: Nancy from Haus to Home Tonya from Love of Family and Home Caroline from Chocolate and Carrots
Row two: Nancy, Tonya, Robin from Robin’s Chicks, Jenn from Blissfully Ever After, Mandy from House of Rose
Row three: Mandy
When I arrived I was officially a nervous excited ball of hormones. Luckily I had a cute baby in tow with me to keep me grounded. Something about changing baby diapers and getting drooled on that makes you feel at home no matter where you are….. ;)
Ok… First BLISSDOM Take-Aways:
WOW. It felt soo amazing to see all of these women in one space that have a similar passion as me. Even if I didn’t talk to all 750 of them..I felt a connection.
I would have flown down just to hear Jon Acuff speak.
His session and keynote were amazing..They left me feeling inspired as a blogger but even more so just convicted and stronger as a woman! I was in the back during all the talks doing leg squats with my 20 pound baby…. but I remember texting my husband(a youth minister) everything he was saying because I was like ahh he is speaking right to my heart!
He shared how we as woman struggle so much with the word ENOUGH. We..are..enough. And how we so easily compare ourselves to others. “Do not compare your beginning to someone else’s middle” I loved that. I am going to make a real effort to not compare myself to other bloggers but focus on the inspiration they give me!
I felt like it was an undercover retreat talk. We are WOW people and sometimes we’re surrounded by HOW people. (we have all these big ideas and sometimes they can get shot down or questioned by the how people.) He talked about how it’s important to have times like this when you’re surrounded by people who share big dreams like you!
He talked about, how when we are at home, if you don’t share your dreams with your spouse than you will end up sharing it with someone else. Really hitting on how we need to protect our marriages and made me appreciate my husband even more! He has always been my biggest fan and I realized that I need to listen to his dreams and not be his “how” person.. but encourage him with his ideas! I loved how he spoke about his family throughout his talk. We spoke briefly before his talk and I had mentioned my husband was pulling the “fun parent” card and took the girls to chuck e cheese.. he made me feel better by letting me know that he and his wife call that place Chuck E Disease. Awesome. It’s where you go to get the flu. Luckily..daddy informed me the girls are still overall ‘frightened’ of the place.
The opening keynote was by Scott Stratten and I was seriously in the back doing the baby sway with Micah in the k’tan and laughing out loud. He is HILARIOUS. And everything he said I was like YES… that is so right!!! He hit so many points that make you think about your blogging strategy, your marketing and branding and how you use social media. He is seriously so smart and witty. “every time a QR Code doesn’t work a kitten dies!!!” – It’s sad that’s the one quote I remember..but I laughed so hard and I was juggling a baby so no notes were happening. ;) I can’t wait to watch his talk again online and to follow him on social media.
It was a fun weekend but…exhausting! You know that exhaustion you get when you have to really exert yourself and socialize CONSTANTLY. I went into this conference only knowing ONE person in real life. and we weren’t even going together! I love people and am usually very outgoing and social. but It was a little overwhelming..especially because (sadly) there are little clicks of bloggers that can be intimidating. I literally had to go back to my room thursday and regroup…making a conscience decision that I was going to dive into this conference and make the most of it. My husband is a youth minister and he always tells his teens on retreat “You get in what you put out!” You can stay closed up and then wonder why you didn’t have an amazing experience..or totally be open and make some EFFORT! :) This blog conference TOOK WORK. All friendships take work. I wish it would have been a little easier at times to connect..but I know people like to feel comfortable and not get out of their comfort zone.. but taking those risks pay off. Overall people were friendly and wanting to connect..but connecting is two sided.. I had to put myself out there and be the first to strike up some conversations. and I’m glad I did because there were some amazing women to meet and connect with.
I was really lucky to end up finding girls that I was able to always end the night with and we had that connection and became close.. but I also found that during those moments when I was walking around by myself was when I struck up conversations with people that I never would have otherwise!! You can’t be afraid to be alone…or to go up to a new person and introduce yourself. I am thankful I took those risks. I was lucky to have a little baby side kick with me who brought people to me because of his cuteness! I only wish that I had more time to connect with more people…but there were times I think traveling with a baby slowed me down a bit. Which is expected.. and totally fine.
I felt like the weekend was one big pep talk! It made me feel convicted in where I am going with my blog… how I’m branding myself… And It motivated me to promote myself and take my blog to the next level. I was really inspired by Danielle Smith (of Extraordinary Mommy) in this area. She led a great session on using Media to give a voice to your message. I decided to utilize you tube more and to connect with my local news stations. Kacia and I are gonna pitch them on our awesomeness. ;)
I had butterflies in my stomach as Micah and I made the trip from Pittsburgh to Dallas!
Luckily He was an awesome little guy on the plane… and I was surrounded by baby lovers.
Luckily He was an awesome little guy on the plane… and I was surrounded by baby lovers.
Micah was a fan of the king size bed at the Gaylord Texan. Beautiful place!
isn’t he cute? best roommie ever. ;)
The lovely Neely from A Complete Waste of Makeup Stephanie from The Vintage Modern Wife and Heather from Cookies for Breakfast picked me up at the airport!
And their roomie Ashley from Ashley Lately arrived soon after.
I connected with so many amazing bloggers that listing them isn’t even an option here!
I linked them all below by their photos.
I really feel like I created some real-life friendships with a handful of them..
Some of these girls I followed and knew of before Blissdom..and some I didn’t know of until now and I have been stalking their blogs ever since. ;)
They are all linked up in these photos so be sure to check them out.
I was so encouraged, motivated and inspired by these women I was surrounded by. Just knowing that we all have big dreams and a voice we are wanting to share….it made me feel so motivated! That I wasn’t the only one who dreams big or wants to make a difference in our community by sharing our projects/life/thoughts and ideas!
row three: raechel from Raechel Myers.com lindsey from The Pleated Poppy Mandy from A Sorta Fairy Tale
Caroline’s liam was best buddies with micah all weekend ;)
She has a delicioussss food mommy blog.
Don’t go to her site hungry. or Do.
Loved the floor chats with new friends and bonding with bloggers.
below left.. jon acuff!
bottom right: I won a j crew sweater from ebates. yay I never win anything!
row one: Stephanie from Froggy and the Mouse Allison from House of Hepworths Jamie from C.R.A.F.T Taylor from Taylor Made and Heather from Saving Money Living Life (eMealz friend)
row three: Meredith from Meredith Tichenor and Megan from In this Wonderful Life
Traveling with Baby- Stressful at times.. but I just went with it!
Overall he was an amazing baby all weekend long making thunder thighs look GUUD.
Overall he was an amazing baby all weekend long making thunder thighs look GUUD.
He hogged the bed and drooled all over my cute outfits.
But his sweet snuggles and giggles made up for that. ;)
I wore him in the K’Tan ALL WEEKEND. I don’t know what I would have done without it.
He fell asleep in it and then I could put him down..or snuggle him. :)
But his sweet snuggles and giggles made up for that. ;)
I wore him in the K’Tan ALL WEEKEND. I don’t know what I would have done without it.
He fell asleep in it and then I could put him down..or snuggle him. :)
My husband was following along the IG Feed and would see Micah’s face pop up by random bloggers… He was blog conference famous ;) “Busy Budgeting Who?? I want to squeeze this baby’s thighs!” ok..no one really said that but that ‘general situation’ happened more than once. And I was totally fine with it. ;) He is pretty squeezy cute.
The amazing Courtney of Pizzazzerie and Stephanie
of The Vintage Modern Wife were both fans of Micah ;)
It was funny, whenever micah would fall asleep at the table during a session, I would look over and see all the girls snapping photos! haha.
I actually wore something othan than yoga pants for 5 days straight…
and it was awesome. Most of my wardrobe came from
American Eagle, Kohls, Old Navy, H&M or Target!
American Eagle, Kohls, Old Navy, H&M or Target!
My sister of BLANQI Fedexed me their newest product and it made me feel BEAUTIFUL!
It’s an under the bust cami that is a Postpartum miracle worker!!
She and her beautiful business partner Sabina (real life bff’s) are launching a new line for Target! They have their BLANQI that is great maternity shape wear…but now this target line has a postpartum option as well!
I tried it on..and it felt like I was wearing nothing but it smoothed me out and made me feel put together. The straps are so light it doesn’t dig into you like some of my other cami’s do. And the material is like what athletes wear and it wicks away sweat. perfect for mamas who are juggling a 4 month old and 2 yr old usually at the same time.
Seriously in love with it. Glad is my sister so she could send it to me before it’s out..
I was also able to meet some great pregnant and nursing mamas at Blissdom who Val is going to send one too! Val made me their Brand Ambassador and Community Manager..so I get the fun job of connecting bloggers to the brand and making mamas feel beautiful!
Message me if you want more info on it! (I’ll be doing a post soon with a sister skype session all about the new line! ;)
OUTFIT 1- green top: kohls, jeans: ae, shoes: target, necklace: caroline g., earings: stella & dot
OUTFIT 2- black top: kohls, pants: kohls, shoes: target, bracelet: stella & dot, necklaces: forever21
OUTFIT 3- top: H&M, pants: Kohls, necklace: caroline g., shoes: target
OUTFIT 4- top: Kohls, pants: ae, shoes: old navy, earings: stella & dot
Excited to dive into these two books!
And soak up time with my sweet girls. :)
Ohh….and pack up our entire house to move by friday!
(same state. new house. new job. super excited!)
If you want to read a long with me you can get Jon’s Book HERE
and Scott’s Book HERE.
During this conference they encouraged you to figure out who you really are as a blogger… what you want others to see you as. (Danielle Smith’s Business Session) And I realized my desire for this site……. I want my blog to be YOUR source for encouragement and inspiration as a woman and mother. I want to be your best friend down the street sharing her ideas and adventures/trials with you.
I’ve always wanted this in a way..but I feel like my blog has evolved and through e-mails from my readers I’ve been affirmed in this!
I’ve had fellow mamas write me to thank me for sharing my ideas and projects with them because it helps them during their day to day life at home with the kids! Or in the e-mail from a reader who finally felt the courage to leave her abusive relationship after reading about my best friend’s domestic violence murder and how I’m healing from her loss. It’s in the e-mails from readers who have decided to teach themselves photoshop like I did and start a business after seeing how I do it WHILE raising little humans! All of these e-mails confirmed my thoughts on what I wanted this blog to be for people. And now after this conference I’m excited to take it to the next level.. give more to my readers in my writing and content that I share!
I share with people about my blog all the time..
but it wasn’t until an event like this that I had to say it over and
over and over again OUT LOUD. haha.
So I honed in on what I really am….
I am a lifestyle mom blogger who writes about home and hostess ideas,
DIY’s, recipes and more, all in an approachable-budget-friendly way!
I celebrate motherhood!
I want to be that positive + authentic source on the web for mothers who
want to live a family-centered, faith filled and creative life!
BOOM. ;)
And now please excuse me while I go make sure my
children aren’t getting boxed up in our moving boxes…..
Thanks for following a long!
Mandy@ a sorta fairytale
March 27, 2013 at 10:16 amI. Love. You.
This was such a good recap!! I only wish we could have spent more time together! But so thankful I got to meet you! You are just as sweet and genuine in person as you are on your blog!
March 27, 2013 at 11:17 amThe Conference looks so much fun, and Micha has grown so much!
March 27, 2013 at 11:34 amSo fun! I’m a big fan of your blog – you really do a great job. I follow you everywhere (in an uncreepy way) on IG, Twitter, FB, and the blog.
I am dying for a Blanqi for when I’m preggo with #2 – but I’m curious about the postpartum Blanqi – can you IG a pic of it??
March 27, 2013 at 12:05 pmYou are my favorite….period
Meg O.
March 27, 2013 at 1:27 pmI’m so glad I got to meet you! I swear you are super woman!!! You are precious!
March 27, 2013 at 1:53 pmLove this wrap up! And I love all your pics! Still pretty bitter about the fact that I didn’t get to talk to you more.:)
Brittany GraceAnn
March 27, 2013 at 3:10 pmso cool to read your thoughts on the conference!! i am going to one in september – much smaller, but i am NERVOUS already!!! this little recap encouraged me though – and i am pumped now! LOVED the part about “not comparing your beginning to someone else’s middle.” UUUGH I DO THAT ALL THE TIME. in real life, in the blogging world, etc. being at peace with where we are at… is such a gift! i want to take better advantage of that! XO
March 27, 2013 at 6:08 pmWhat a great write up Natalie! I had so much fun with you this weekend! I can’t wait to try the Blanqi! Good luck with the move this week! Oh, and Liam says hi! :-)
March 27, 2013 at 10:15 pmOh my gosh! I am so glad I got to spend so much time with you at the conference! You are such a rockstar…carrying that baby around and not missing a beat. I’m in awe of you. xoxo – Nancy
March 27, 2013 at 10:18 pmFrancine
March 27, 2013 at 10:21 pmLoved reading this- you’ve inspired me to think about the direction I want to take my blog in.
I’m verrrry interested in the new line your sis has… I fell in love with my Blanqi on my last pregnancy and would love a good solution for my postpartum bod.
Looks like you had a great time, and good luck with your move! Always a crazy/exciting time!
April 1, 2013 at 7:59 pmI was one of those who discovered that while I’m incredibly outgoing online, I’m apparently painfully shy in person lol. I saw you once during a session and wanted to introduce myself after, but failed to do so. Your baby is absolutely precious! Maybe next time we run into each other I will have learned to overcome my awkward shyness for “real life” :) love your blog!
April 2, 2013 at 1:51 pmWhoops, my comment showed up as “unknown” for some reason ^^
April 3, 2013 at 12:05 pmAwesome recap! I found you on Instagram through a picture of Micah, actually! I saw him pop up all over the place when I was looking at Blissdom photos.
I would be terrified to take a baby to a conference, especially since I’ve never been to one before. You looked awesome and stylish!
And I am totally checking out your sister’s line of camis once they hit Target! I have a 4yo, 2yo and an 8 month old…I need all the postpartum help I can get!