Baby Book – 23 Weeks Bump

August 3, 2012

23 WEEKS! and my photos keep ending up being taking
later and later in the week..haha.’s the effort that counts. right?!
It’s funny though because it’s my husband who ended
up reminding me this week. I have no brain.

Like I posted above…been feeling sore lately.
Think I’ve been a little too active lately..
It doesn’t help the soreness that I have braxton hicks every time
I bend over or walk or do anything…….
I just don’t get much of a chance to sit down all day..
and a part of me likes to keep busy..
so it is frustrating feeling so limited in what I can do.
A sacrifice I’m making for this baby!.

Today we were veryyyyy blessed by a family.. who gifted us with an incredible hand me down swing set. The girls were in heaven! and I’m so grateful for my hunk of a husband who spent all day with his crew taking apart..moving..and putting back together this beast.
The girls look so big to me in these photos… ahhhh. I have big kids!! ;)
You know you look exhausted when, at the dinner table, the husband says..
you should go get a pedicure or something. haha.

It was one of those longgg hardddd days where he came home and I fell into his shoulder crying. Was feeling so sore (I have braxton hicks CONSTANTLY) and I was so exhausted from my little wild things.. and 1.5 hour into trying to get sienna to take her nap I broke down crying. Yes. my 2 yr old made me cry today. It was a rough day.
But then at the dinner table..
Sienna starts singing a song “Jessusss..I adoreeee You”…?!!??!
It’s from their VBS CD that they sing and dance too.
and It seriously is so hard to be mad at them when they do little 
hands together and bowing’ motions. even if they ARE doing it to get out of bed time. ;)
Good thing toddlers are a lot like child birth….
You forget over time the pain and suffering..
and remember only the amazing and beautiful.
God has us wired like that I think for a reason. :)

I ran to the grocery store by myself for some “mom alone time”
E.L.Fudge Double Stuffed Cookies and Grapes were a MUST today. hehe.

  • Mrs. Howard
    August 4, 2012 at 12:04 pm

    Oh goodness. I will never forget being about 7 months pregnant with twins and battling my almost two-year-old who was hitting the dog. I told him I was putting him in timeout, but he knew I couldn’t catch him. So, for 5-10 agonizing minutes he ran away from me and I literally could not waddle quickly enough. When I finally put him in timeout, I sat down and cried and cried. Now, it’s kinda funny – thinking about trying to run to catch him. He would go one way around the couch and when I’d head that way, he’d quickly switch directions and head the other. It was no use…I was too big to get to him quickly. =) Hang in there, Mama!

  • Katie @mummydaddyme
    August 6, 2012 at 5:53 am

    I love your bump updates, you have an adorable bump! x