Hello! I’m Natalie! Author of AtHomeWithNatalie.com (Previously thebusybudgetingmama.com)
You can reach me directly at natalie@athomewithnatalie.com
I live with my family in Charlotte, North Carolina.
I’m Married to my college sweetheart, Ben.
We have six adorable and fun kids!
I love sharing our family life and adventures!
We just built our house and are making it home.
I’m probably off soaking up my sweeties, avoiding laundry, rearranging furniture, throwing parties and overgramming.
My blog turned into a main income
and it has been amazing doing something
I’m passionate about and love!
I strive to celebrate motherhood
My blog is called ‘At Home with Natalie’ because I want
my posts and style of writing to make my readers
feel like they are my neighborhood girl friends,
coming over with their kids, drinking coffee or sweet tea with me in
the kitchen while we talk about all the things! #ittakesavillage
Some of my most Popular Posts can be found HERE!
I love to make our house a home, do DIY projects and cook yummy food.
I love gathering people together and building community.
I love creating magical moments for my loved ones to experience and feel loved and blessed.
LOVE being creative and making things extra special. I try to live like I did as a kid…with a big imagination!
I’m passionate about helping others
start and grow as bloggers and
wrote a Blogging E-Course that includes everything I’ve
learned and done to get to where I am today.
I wrote a Party E-Course that is a resource for those who want to be creative,
build community and make joyful memories!
We are choosing creative, family centered,
faith filled and joyful living even with the crazy.
I love being a wife and mom..and all our adventures.
Some days it can feel overwhelming, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
My kids bring so much joy into my life..and not much sleep.
I am an avid promoter of Domestic Violence Awareness since recently losing my best friend.
I’m passionate about design and making things pretty. I love Jesus.. my Catholic faith.. my family and my friends.
I have loved sharing our family life and projects… connecting and sharing with other women…
and being inspired by fellow bloggers/social media lovers!
I recently combined my love for parties and encouraging moms…and threw a party for all the moms.

for community, support, inspiration & encouragement.
I am so excited and grateful for those of you who have found your place on my blog!
Motherhood can be hard and some days you can easily feel like you aren’t
doing enough or aren’t doing a good job at anything…
but I try to share through my blog that I understand and am right there
with you. But we aren’t alone. We have a God that has given us this role as mother
and believes in us and the great things we can do on this mission.
I wish we could all eat cookies in my kitchen and cry laugh over our piles of laundry together.
I strive to always be a real and honest blogger you can connect with!

“Hi Natalie, I recently found you on instagram and just visited your page today. I just wanted to tell you thank you! Thank you for the encouraging words!! I’m seriously bawling in the car line at my son’s preschool. lol Just the reminder that I’m not on this crazy roller coaster ride we call motherhood by myself and the reminder of God’s grace and love for us…no matter how big or small.. it’s really what I needed to hear today. Thank you for the encouragement! You have a beautiful family..thank you for sharing your life with us! Hope you have a great day!”
– Vanessa
“Hi Natalie! I am a fairly new reader of your blog (within the last 6ish months), and I just have to share with you that your posts, past and present, have helped me tremendously as a (stay/work at home) mama. I have two girls and a third baby on the way (we find out Friday what it is)! We moved away from most of our family and all of our friends and live in a little town where we are still getting acquainted, so I have been pretty lonely. Your blog helps me feel like I’m not all alone out here in the crazy world of motherhood. You are such an inspiration to me and I just felt I had to share that with you!”
– Michael
“Hi Natalie! I have been following your blog and you, on instagram, for some time now and it kinda just felt weird not introducing myself! So, hello! I just want to thank you for everything you do in the social media world! Your family is BEAUTIFUL, and your blog is awesome, and I so appreciate your insights, posts, and pictures on motherhood, family life, and faith. It has been a real life saver for me! My name is Jessica and I am married with two little boys, 2 and a half, and 9 months. I am 28 years old and will be 29 in February. We are devoutly Catholic and I am so grateful for your beautiful Catholic voice in all that you put out there. It is so nice to feel connected to another family that seems very similar to ours..” “My husband is in the military and we currently live in Louisville, Kentucky. We have lived a few different places, and it has been fun, but also very difficult at times. And that is again, where I want to thank you for everything you put out there. It is sometimes very hard to find a community to belong to, especially one with a similar background and value system, but I have to say how nice it has been to feel connected to you in a way. So thank you so much! I appreciate you and everything that you do to celebrate motherhood! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!
– Jessica
“Hello Natalie. My name is Stefania, I live in Uruguay (south america), I’m also a mama of a three year old girl named Emilia (Emily) and I follow your blog from a couple of years now … I discover your blog in Pinterest, and I found it truly amazing!!! I just wanted to say that you really inspire me to be a better mama, wife and person! I really admire your work, your creativity and beautiful heart!! You really have a beautiful family…. you’re very lucky!! Keep making all mamas inspired!!! :) Best wishes.”
May 6, 2014 at 9:04 amLove the new blog design! And the video is adorable :)
May 6, 2014 at 8:40 pmNathalie, this is simply wonderful! You radiate! Your family joy of living is reflected in your photos! What a beautiful family and it is incredibly beautiful to see how all your efforts come to amazing results on all life levels! Congratulations!
May 6, 2014 at 11:10 pmLove, love, love the new design. You are an amazing mama!! Miss you dearly :)
Denise Ross
May 7, 2014 at 7:20 amLove the new website. It was nice to hear your voice, a bit like putting a face to your name kind of thing :). I love reading your blog and do get a lot of ideas, laughs and empathy for your hard yakka times. I’m a little ahead of your in the parenting days – my kids are olde st son now 18 yrs first year of college, daughter 16 yrs grade 11 and son 8 yrs grade 3. I’ve got to say I’m glad you’re enjoying and recording your crazy days because, I know I sound like an oldie now lol but the time seriously flys by so fast. Life is certainly an adventure on every level. :)
May 9, 2014 at 2:11 amI am head over heels for your posts and soak it up as much as I can. Inspirational for someone trying to break through the wall of a new business. Please check out my handcarved, custom stamps featuring your own child’s artwork, signatures or anything else you would love to make paper pretty!!
May 9, 2014 at 8:38 amHey! you are so sweet. and your shop is adorable!!
Heather L
May 9, 2014 at 3:50 pmThank you for checking out my shop. I really appreciate it!!! I sent a private email to you (which I’m sure you get 50,000 of), I was hoping you would consider partnering for a giveaway, collaborating on a feature for MoreThanMyNextBreath or letting me guest post? Please check your email for details and more about me
May 10, 2014 at 10:05 amyes let me get back to you! we can chat options!
May 10, 2014 at 1:26 amThe read our story so far link isn’t working. Just an FYI (:
May 10, 2014 at 10:05 amthank you!! just fixed the link :)
Allison Metheny
June 4, 2014 at 3:40 pmI absolutely love your blog! I know you did a tutorial on editing your pictures, but I was curious and the tools and equipment you use for your family videos such as the Christmas card. I love the transitions and slow motion! I’m dying to do projects like these so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
July 29, 2014 at 8:28 pmhey! I actually use imovie. :) play around with it and you’ll be able to pick it up quick! I watched you tube videos to help me learn :)
June 19, 2014 at 10:09 pmThat is the best About section I have EVER seen! Having a video was a great choice, and you rocked it!
July 15, 2014 at 12:55 pmI love love your blog! I have been following before having my first baby. Now I’m pregnant with baby No.2. You actually inspired me to start my own little blog. Any inside on how to have a fabulous blog like yours?
Thank you,
God bless your precious family :)
September 7, 2014 at 8:51 amI loved your video, thought it was so cute and sincere.
Carrie Baker
March 11, 2015 at 12:27 pmHi Natalie,
I came across your blog today through another blogger’s website and think you would be perfect for something my company is doing. I work for a company called Mary Square. We are a small, women owned, Christian-based gift company that makes products to encourage and inspire. All of our products have subtle scripture or inspirational messaging on them. We are already in over 600 retail stores across the U.S., including Lifeway, Family Christian Stores, Hobby Lobby, Mardel, Micheal’s, etc., but we are looking to grow our online presence. Check us out: http://www.marysquare.com.
We are looking for a like-minded blogger to work with. We want to work together to create your own product, your own idea, complete with personal branding. Could be a gift idea, a home decor item, clothing item, anything really (within reason, lol). The catch is that we would want you to blog about the process (developing your idea, meeting with us, designing the product, approving samples from the manufacterer, etc.). When you have a spare minute, would you mind taking a look at the details (in the link)? You can email me back directly with questions. We feel this is a win-win opportunity and want to spread the news! Thanks!
March 25, 2015 at 8:40 pmthanks for thinking of me! Happy to look over anything if you email me! natalie@thebusybudgetingmama.com
June 27, 2016 at 2:37 pmNatalie!!! You have a beautiful and loving family and i am so so inspired by your blog!!!I have just turned into a SAHM for my little one and also started my own Blog(www.allthatsmom.co.in). I am pretty new to all this Social media and blogging but i believe people like you will inspire me and keep me going. Thanks a lot !!!
July 29, 2024 at 11:19 pmI must be late to the game because the comments are all from 2014. Anyway, I am a teacher and found your website when searching for an ocean-themed playdough recipe. Thank you for that. Moreover, I was curious and just had to look through all your goodies. I’m a grandmother now and can appreciate your efforts to reach out to other moms. God bless you! You look AMAZING for a mom of SIX and I wish you all the best. Beautiful family and great ideas! Your bookmarked now. :)
August 12, 2024 at 1:17 pmYou are so sweet! So glad you found me – thanks for the blog love!
July 29, 2024 at 11:20 pmOh, and that photo of your baby with the dinner rolls! THAT IS A PRIZE! :)