This is what we do all day in our house………
dance parties in dress up clothes & play kitchen. :)
dance parties in dress up clothes & play kitchen. :)

FAVORITE DIY– sophia loves her felt cupcakes. :) delicious.
Sienna Loves it..and Sophia likes watching her love it. :)
(notice the frames on the floor…waiting to be hung. haha.)
And Sophia’s Pink Laptop – Target
FAVORITE PARTY THEME- Rainbows & Race Cars
via Glorious Treats
OUT N’ ABOUT- Our friends had their Gender Reveal Party
recently for their first baby. It was so fun!! and the cupcakes……wow delicious!
i’m gonna get the recipe to share! :)
We threw a Gender Reveal Party when I was pregnant with Sienna..
check it out here!

They’re having a boy!! yay!

loving this blog…and it’s round up of target deals :)
Savvy Spending
Sophia got some new fancy shoes on Sale at Target. She loves them.

MOM STYLE TIP- If you wear ‘yoga’ pants instead of pajamas all day….
you feel better about it.

LETS GET COOKIN- Weekly Meal Plans! and lots of them,
via Living Locurto.
i’m always looking for new recipes to spice up the week and there are plenty to choose from.
use them when making up your grocery list.
awesome time and money saver.
Link up below! can’t wait to read all of your posts!
I’m sure i’ll be inspired and want to share you or your finds next week. :)

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—and we can all leave each other comment love and have a fabulous day. ;)
—Other bloggers will be able to check out your link and you can check out their posts!
—and we can all leave each other comment love and have a fabulous day. ;)
please put the button in your post (or on your page somewhere!) that way we can all connect and find each other!
January 12, 2011 at 9:39 amwe have the same jumper (a total lifesaver sometimes). christopher has the same laptop from target, but in white/blue :)
we didn’t find out the gender of our 1st two kids, but these gender parties look like so much fun i’m definitely thinking about it for the next one…
January 12, 2011 at 10:25 amAwesome post! We spend most of our days playing dress up and having dance parties! :)
And thanks for the meal plans!
January 12, 2011 at 10:29 amSophia’s curls….to.die.for! Such a doll!
Show Me Mama
January 12, 2011 at 3:23 pmYou have a beautiful family- I am your new follower. You can follow me back at Make sure you leave a comment so I know you visited.
The Dad
January 12, 2011 at 3:31 pm
Following your blog!
Please follow back!
If you could follow me on Facebook, that would be great!
The Dad!
Jumping Jack
January 12, 2011 at 4:09 pmToo much cuteness in this post!! First of all, Sophia and Sienna are so precious!! I love all of that felt food and will be checking out those tutorials if I ever get a free second. It’s all so cute. Maybe my mom needs a project – HA!
The rainbows and racecars party is adorable. Such a good idea for a boy/girl party.
Those meal plans look amazing too. I’m always looking for new ideas for dinner. I feel like we have the same things every week.
Thanks again for hosting!
January 12, 2011 at 8:46 pmYour daughter’s curls are precious! Dance parties are the best! I have an 18-month-old, and she loves to have a dance party in the kitchen!
January 12, 2011 at 10:22 pmGirl, you have some mad skills!!! I wish I could make felt food! You seriously need to open up an etsy site and sell that stuff! It’s awesome!! The doughnuts are definitely my fave!!!
Matthew and Bailey Walkup
January 13, 2011 at 12:33 amI loved participating today!!
January 13, 2011 at 3:47 amThe yoga pants theory made me laugh! And it is so true.
Tanya (a Taste of T)
January 14, 2011 at 12:33 pmRainbows and racecars! I love love love it!!!
<3, New Follower
Rose ::
January 20, 2011 at 6:58 amThank you for the tutorial and other goodies embedded in this overview article.
I appreciate your tutorial and your contribution to our DIY CRAFT TUTORIAL linky party.
We love featuring great articles like yours and appreciate people following the party ‘rules’ and linking back to us so we can all share in the fun.
Look forward to seeing you again next week!