Our Semi-Clean Home Tour

January 28, 2016

It can be very liberating knowing that you aren’t alone with a crazy house!
Posting this, I know I’ll probably have some people who say, “that’s messy??” or “that’s semi-clean??” haha.
But ya know what…this is my reality and some days it’s worse and some days it’s better.
On this day I decided to pick up my camera and capture my morning with Micah and Asher.
You can’t even see the sofa because it’s covered in clean laundry to fold
and I have a toy trap covering the staircase.
I thought it might be refreshing seeing that people don’t always live in a pinterest perfect home
or with nannies or have all their
shtuff together but are still making things happen and choosing a joyful family life…even with the crazy!
As moms we can be so hard on ourselves, constantly comparing ourselves to
others or worried about what people think of us…
But we need to break free of that and celebrate where we are today and all of our blessings.
Enjoy the crazy three year old and out of control laundry.

Four kids and running a business means that the house isn’t always spotless, but we are making it work!
I do love that quote “Pardon the Mess, I’m busy making memories with my kids.”
I need to get that sign I always see at Hobby Lobby. ;)

Asher will be wearing his santa outfit until the very last day I can’t zip it up.
One too many Christmas cookies for that one.
I just can’t even handle his chubby toes! I have the boy santa version of the hippo from Disney’s Fantasia.
I went into the Dining Room to take an instagram photo of the items
I’ve been gathering for Asher and Micah’s shared room…
and saw that the kids had left some play food in the cabinet.
In their defense, it does kind of look like an oven.

This verse motivates me daily. It’s hung in my office area of our kitchen.
If you want to make one yourself check out the Chalkboard DIY Tutorial I shared a while back.
It’s one of the easiest DIY projects I’ve ever done!

Processed with Rookie Cam


Life sometimes feels like it’s moving in super speed…but I’m trying to slow down and soak up these moments more.
I love Asher’s cute chubby lips and cheeks in this photo.
Ben took a couple of me trying to lift him up in the air for a shot….nope.
too heavy. haha.

I hope that you enjoy getting a little glimpse into our normal day to day life.
Nothing glamorous, and plenty of mom work to do… but I’m grateful for all that we have.
I’m also totally proud of how clean I can keep it with my crazy family.  And you should be too!
Mom life can be overwhelming and sometimes we are too hard on ourselves.
One day I won’t have a potty in my bathroom and I’ll be so sad. ;)
PS. The laundry, that was so beautifully showcased in the video, has since been folded and put away. haha.

  • Marissa
    January 28, 2016 at 3:31 pm

    Your house is beautiful! I loved seeing it in a real lived in way. Thank you for sharing!

  • Bonnie
    January 28, 2016 at 3:43 pm

    Love this post! You inspire me so much, Natalie. I love how much you love your family and make the most of even the crazy messy stuff. :) being a mom is awesome and such a blessing and that really comes through in what you do. I love all the ikea pieces… they just look so clean and fresh.

  • Sarah
    January 28, 2016 at 5:09 pm

    This was so cute!!! Thanks for showing us around :)

  • Hannah Reid
    January 29, 2016 at 11:01 pm

    If it is possible, your Micah is even cuter on the video than in pictures! Loved the baby time at the end! And of course, our friends Jake and the Neverland Pirates going strong there too…haha!
    Thank you for sharing!