Some days are harder than others.

December 5, 2012

Today Shannon would have turned 27.
Missing her.. wishing I could face time with her and have my girls sing to her. :(
A part of me feels like it’s just the long distance of atlanta and
pittsburgh and busy mom lives we had that is what’s keeping us a part.
When my mom was just here visiting..we were talking about shannon.
I was telling her how it feels like our childhood years
together feels like another life.. so long ago.

This was back on my 18th birthday. (mine is in january)
Shannon was in my dream the other night.
In the dream I had found an old video of her and
I was watching it over and over..happy that I had another “view” of her.
Every single night on the news…
there is some sort of case of domestic violence.
It pulls on my heart every time.
WIth each case that I hear, I think of Shannon.
Please continue to pray for all those affected by domestic violence.
speak up and help those you know around you…
you might save a life.

  • Kelley Mann
    December 6, 2012 at 1:05 am

    So this was a really hard blog post to read today as I am missing my daughter and my two wonderful grandchildren today and wishing things were different. But my missing is one so very different to yours and for that I am thankful. My beautiful daughter is one of many victims of violence from someone who is supposed to love her, cherish her and protect her. He beat her so many times and we begged for help but knew nothing of this journey. She and her babies now live in hiding again – away from her familiar faces, her support system and her loved ones. He was sent to jail again ( 28 days of play station , meals cooked and no responsibility) and she was sent away to another town for her safety. I am just glad that I can pick up the phone and call her. My heart may ache today from being without her but my pain is nothing to what it could have been. Your writing just reminds me that there are far worst things that could be. Bless you

  • Elizabeth O'Jack
    December 6, 2012 at 12:50 pm

    I’m so sorry to hear about this. It’s hard losing your best friend. It’s sad that Shannon’s life had turned out to be this way and I feel bad for her kids to have no mother. I can’t imagine my boys not growing up with their mama.

    What has the court decided on her murderer? I tried to find the most recent article but couldn’t.

    Bless you.

  • Jan Harrison
    December 6, 2012 at 12:54 pm

    I am so terribly sorry for your loss… It is a horrible tragedy and my prayers & thoughts are with you and your family… Reading your post made me think of my sister & my best-friend & the fact that I have pushed it out of my mind because it hurt too much… In 2009 my best-friend was murdered by her husband… She too had an EPO out on him for among many things but the proof of him running over her toes & breaking her feet, but of course nothing was done & she gave in & went back to him because she felt she was safer that way and didn’t have the constant threat of being told she would be killed if she left… They were out driving & got into an argument & she got out of the truck and started to walk… He then backed into her knocking her down breaking her back then ran over her again crushing every bone & organ on the left side of her body. He was seen by witnesses driving by the river where he was going to dump her before getting scared & calling her dad saying she “jumped” from the truck which we all knew was a lie…. Our amazing judicial system gave him 5 years for manslaughter! He will be out soon on parole because fighting it like family has is doing no good….
    My sister was shot the day after the world trade centers went down (9/12/01) She lived for 10 months as a quadriplegic and then died at home from an aneurysm resulting from the gun shot to the back of her neck that severed her spinal cord. She was shot by some crazy lady in front of the elementary school her son went to as she was picking him up. Both of my nephews 3 & 8 at the time watched their mom get shot… It was a horrible day for us all & there was not much coverage because of the 9/11 tragedy… Enough about all the details, the problem is the system failed her too… The woman that shot my sister was found incompetent to stand trial (after going back & forth 5 times from being fit to not fit) and only received 12 years in a mental institution.
    I am extremely sorry for your loss & know the hurt & pain you feel… The best advice I can give you is to remember her & love her & cherish every memory & item you have of hers so that she lives on in your heart….
    I ran across your post looking for a crochet pattern, God works in mysterious ways connecting people and their stories… If there is ANYTHING I can help with, please feel free to reach out to me….