The love for Ninja Turtles was at an all time high when Hunter turned 6…so you better believe that was his party theme! This was such a fun theme to plan and I’m not sure who enjoyed it more, the kids or the dads at the party. haha. Today I’m sharing all the DIY details and amazon finds for this party. Let’s go!
First up let’s talk about the dessert table backdrop! I couldn’t find anything pre-made that I liked…so I decided to get creative with some wall decals and a brick wall backdrop – and my boys LOVED IT!
I used my circle arch stand and put a brick backdrop on it. Then I took some ninja turtle wall decals and taped them to the backdrop.
Hunter here is rocking his ninja turtle costume and showing off his moves!
I put some balloons around the circle and made my own little “sewer lid” with a cake board and some wood scraps I had. I spray painted it metallic grey and tada! a sewer lid!
The treats on the table were Hunter favorites and we tried to really get silly with the ninja turtle theme! First up, sugar cookie pizzas….
I used red cookie frosting, let it harden, and then used white frosting as the cheese. The pepperonis were red M&M’s and for peppers I sliced up some green and yellow gummies. The kids were giddy over these. Mission accomplished.
The green jello for mutagen ooze was another favorite of the kids. I put out some gummy worms for them to put on top! It was a whole thing and they loved it. Highly suggest getting the little plastic tongs they were so into it haha.
We made some ninja turtle rice krispie treats with sour streamers and candy eyeballs! I used frosting to stick the eyes to the candy.
Of course we needed some pizza gummies because…ninja turtles love pizza in all forms.
We also had popcorn and M&M’s in little containers and Oreos stacked up!
I made some cake stands for the treats using soup cans (taking the labels off) and silver paper cake boards.(I thought about using walmart pizza pans but went with the cake boards instead.) I painted green ooze on the cans with neon green paint. Letting them drip down a bit!
We had fresh cheesy pizzas – of course! Everyone loved grabbing a slice.
And we put some of Hunter’s ninja turtles guarding the pizza.
We had a fun party game planned! We always love customizing this game to match the theme.
All it takes is foam boards, plastic cups, tissue paper, a prize and some tape and hot glue!
I wrote knock out shredder on the top and the kids loved taking their turns karate punching? the cups and getting a prize.
I also had some ninja turtle masks for all the kids to put on.
Hunter also really wanted to play some good ol’ classic party games like hot Potatoe and musical chairs. They were all giggling and playing. Those games are classic and still a hit!
Hunter was one happy boy! I love hosting the birthdays at our home – just something so special about having all our favorite people under one roof celebrating together!
I found these cute pizza sticker activities on Amazon and had them out on the coffee table. It was the perfect activity for little ones as they arrived. We also had a pinata – spider man – cause…why not. haha.
We played and ate yummy food and the big girls did ninja turtle tattoos!
Present time! My kids love having a sibling close to their age when it comes time to birthday presents haha. They usually get in on the fun of playing with them all together. Oh and here’s my Ninja Turtle themed T-shirt I got off Amazon.
Hunter felt all the love and it made my heart so happy!
His birthday cake was a storebought one from Walmart that they love. I added a candle and one of his presents – a ninja turtle toy of course!
Thanks for stopping by to check out the party details!
I love a party theme and you can see all of my favorite Amazon party finds here – Amazon Party Favorites.
We also have 6 kids and always planning another party/gathering. haha – so follow along on Instagram! @athomewithnatalie
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