Hosting a Bear Themed Baby Shower!

September 29, 2021

One of my very best friends is expecting a baby and I was so excited to be able to host a baby shower for her!
A lot of her baby registry items were woodlands themed so I went with a BEAR baby shower theme!
We can “BEARLY” wait till baby arrives. :) In today’s post I’m gonna share the little details and how it all came together. It was so fun celebrating our friends and their sweet baby boy on the way!
There were a few areas that I focused on for the party…
The treat table, the photo op area and the entry table.
I had a lot of gifts worked into the party decor and fun games to play throughout the time.
Loved being able to host this for my friend Meg… so happy for them!!

I wanted to work in a lot of my friend Meg’s cravings into the treat table! I mean..the day is really about her! ;)
The Nutella and pretzel cups were for sure the hit of the party and we ended up putting out more!
For the main decor…I taped a cluster of balloons together and attached to ceiling with balloon string.
I found this cute bear on Amazon and attached it to some balloon strings that were hanging down from the balloons.
Our cute little bear was the centerpiece of the party holding up the party balloons!
I used some green foliage, I already had, to add some greenery to the table.
The Letter T was from Michaels and the framed ultrasound was from Hobby Lobby. Both were gifts to the mama at the end of the party!
I got a carrot cake and topped it with a little bear from Michaels. I also got store-bought cupcakes and added little bear teddy grahams to them.
We had chicken salad sandwiches, fruit, cheese, muddy buddies, cookies and gummy bears!

I strung up some balloons and streamers in our sunroom to make a little area for photo ops!
She was able to snap a bunch of fun photos with her friends and family who came. :)
The large bear is from Target and was a gift from us to their baby boy.

I decorated our kitchen table with some brown paper and greenery. We served meg’s favorite buffalo chicken dip. Always gotta serve what the pregnant mama likes!

I arranged a couple games for the baby shower guests to play! I made the game signs on Canva and printed at home.
The first was ‘Find the socks’ game. I had pairs of baby socks hidden around the party space and at one point a couple of the guests were running around trying to find the most! haha.
The other game was the ‘Don’t say baby’ game! I made necklaces with gummy bear charms off Amazon and everyone started the game by wearing one. If they heard someone say the word ‘baby’ they called them out and “stole” whatever necklaces that person was wearing. You win by having the most necklaces/gummy bears at the end of the party.
It got pretty cut throat haha. These mamas will do anything for a Target gift card prize! ;)

I used our foyer’s table to display the favors. I filled treat bags with marshmallows, chocolate and teddy grahams. I tied them up with blue tulle and attached these cute little bears I found on Amazon.(here’s a similar set.) I also got Meg to send me her favorite ultrasound photo and we framed it at the table. Already such a cutie! ;)

Thankful for everyone who came to love on our Meg, Stephano and their baby! It was fun seeing all the cute baby things.
The bear theme was a cute one to put together. Looking forward to hosting more baby showers in our home for the people we love!
I hope you enjoyed today’s post, and if you’re planning a baby shower, got some ideas!

  • Shelly Bray
    October 10, 2021 at 11:23 am

    What a great idea! Baby showers definitely aren’t what they used to be. Great job!