Stretchy Smooth Playdough Recipe

May 1, 2018

We recently made a new Playdough recipe and it’s our new favorite!!
This stretchy and smooth play dough recipe
only takes two ingredients and isn’t a stovetop version – EASY!
The kids loved it because it felt like slime, which, like the rest of the child population, they are obsessed with.
I used to have a love hate relationship with Playdough but I’ve
learned to set up some ground rules with the kids…
and embrace the crazy because it usually gives me
1. sibling bonding time like no other and
2. quiet busy bee kids/mom can breathe moments.
If you are looking for a fun activity with your kids– try this out– they will flip over it!

This recipe came about after I accidentally bought corns starch instead of cream of tartar.
(The cream of tartar is for this version of play dough.)
I hopped onto google and found some recipes that used cornstarch and conditioner.
They ended up not working consistency wise…but we just added more lotion and it came together!

Hair Conditioner and/or lotion.
Food Coloring Dye (if you want.)

+In a large bowl pour in 4 cups of Cornstarch.
(I had gotten two containers of them at Walmart. SO CHEAP.)

+Now pour in roughly 4 cups worth of conditioner and/or lotion.
It really is about adding and stirring till you get the right consistency you want.
You can use the cheapest conditioner you have OR if you just have what you have and want it to
smell good use the Herbal Essences conditioner. haha.
It smelled SO GOOD. I also had some baby lotion that we don’t use that often so we put that in as well.
Double whammy of awesome smells!
It was for sure the best smelling play dough we’ve ever made. ;)

+Drop in the Food Coloring of choice and mix mix.
I will say that next time we might just keep it natural colored
because the blue was on their hands more than I wished.
I mean not enough for me to worry but I think since it wasn’t a stovetop version
it just stayed on their hands more.
It didn’t ruin my tablecloth or anything.

+Once you mix most of it together with a big ol spoon in a bowl
you’ll eventually need to put it on the counter and kneed it.
That’s when it really starts taking shape.

+After use put in a ziplock bag and refrigerate to help it last longer.

The kids LOVED IT and had the biggest laughs over how slippery and smooth it felt!
I even wanted to get in on the molding action – they had fun making snowmen and pizza pies!
This wasn’t very crumbly at all so clean up was pretty easy.
I love to use these vinyl/felt backed table clothes when we do play dough.
This one is from Walmart but I also get seasonal ones from Target!

We are int eh super mature stage of giggling over the word butts… yes. so awesome.
The big kids have trained Asher to respond poopy to most questions. super fun.
I feel like I’m constantly saying “no potty words!”
So of course Micah gave his snowman extra booty and they all just died laughing.
Help me. lol.

I hope that you give this recipe a try!
The key is to contain it…set some ground rules…
They know what I expect of them if we are going to play with it and most of the time they are really good.
Let your kids surprise you! ;)
So worth the fun and laughs we had over this silly playdough recipe! Enjoy!

  • Lorena
    May 3, 2018 at 12:50 pm

    My mother did not allow play dough when I was growing up and when I had my own kids was hesitant to allow them to have it. A preschool teacher told me just what you said, lay out the rules, specifically where it is to be played with. In our case I gave them these circle trays I found at the dollar store. The rule is that the play dough must stay on the tray and it has always worked. For the few times that a little lands on the carpet, the best advice I got was to let it dry completely then scrape it with a popsicle stick, works every time. Thank you for sharing this version. I have a small bucket of cornstarch I bought on accident instead of baking powder. so we will give this a try (and use it up lol)

  • Megan Mayer
    May 3, 2018 at 1:58 pm

    Ugh! I let my two little ones each open a tiny container of Play-Doh the other night and… Well I have the containers, but the dough is… Sigh… Not found yet… Not good.

    I may actually try this though. Needing lots of ideas for “the four” this summer… I’m sure, like you, I’ll be hearing a lot of butt-jokes. Bracing myself. Mine too have trained the 2 yr old to say hilarious words (their opinion) my job is to not laugh. Not always easy, ya know! Hope you guys are well and settled in your home 😊

  • Amanda
    May 3, 2018 at 4:29 pm

    This looks so much fun! My boys love play doh time. I’ll have to add this to my Pinterest board.

    • natalie
      May 5, 2018 at 6:04 pm

      it feels so good!! they’ll love it!

  • Hollie
    May 5, 2018 at 10:03 pm

    We’ve made the fake snow and it was a hit! Can’t wait to try this recipe! I used to be bad with my oldest when she was a toddler and wouldn’t let her mix the playdoh colors and always had to keep it in one spot. Well since I’ve had my son and started mak8ng our own playdoh, I don’t care where they play with it, lol. I give them trays to start out but don’t get upset if it travels. They are only little once and it’s just playdoh. Which is washable.

  • Stacey Kaplan - Independent Scentsy Consultant
    May 6, 2018 at 11:42 am

    This looks like so much fun. I’m going to have to make some with my grandson next week when I see him. He’s only two, but loves to prepare pizza, so why not make this?