Hope all of you had a wonderful Easter!
Thought I would share our Weekend..(I love being able to click back each year!)
The Easter bunny hopped through our house
The Easter bunny hopped through our house
and left some fun stuff to celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection.. and a fewww sweets. ;)
Sophia was so funny..she kept telling us
“Jesus was trapped but then he went like that (does a wiggle) and got out!.. and he got the bad guys(??) and Heaven won!…..Jesus saved us!” haha…
It was a fun day of visiting with family, playing, eating & going to Church.
We even got in a 3 hour family nap..Easter miracle! seriously….
Thank you Jesus. haha we needed it.
We even got in a 3 hour family nap..Easter miracle! seriously….
Thank you Jesus. haha we needed it.

Easter Baskets found at Jo-Ann’s on clearance (only because I’m horribly last minute..)
I loved them! They are nice and sturdy too.

We have an Easter tradition that the Easter Bunny
and her stuffed animals have an Easter Tea Party!…
and when the girls wake up they can join in on it!
and her stuffed animals have an Easter Tea Party!…
and when the girls wake up they can join in on it!
I found a tea set this year that a bit “fancier” for an older sophia..
(a tin one from Babies R Us)
(a tin one from Babies R Us)

Sienna immediately grabbed up a muffin as soon as she saw them..
she held it the whole morning until she put it in her Easter Basket for later. ;)

The Bouncy Balls the Eater Bunny found at Target were a hit!
I loved the colors..the girls loved rolling on them..
daddy loved throwing it at them and watching them giggle……………

I was so happy with the Tote Bag the Easter Bunny found at the Dollar Store
(and the bible drawing pad too!) The Bag said “Jesus my Forever Friend”..
they had a bunch of cute ones.

I LOVED seeing sienna open the eggs and discover what was inside!
She then went on to hoard all of the jelly beans… in her mouth.

It was an “Adventure” at mass on Easter…Sienna was feeling a bit…wild.
But we MADE IT! haha. and nap time soon followed.
*dress from target maternity
*dress from target maternity
The only family photo I have.. :) Easter Dinner with Ben’s Family..
It was fun seeing all the kids play together..
and a polish get together wouldn’t be complete without some Kielbasa. ;)
We were sent home with leftover ham..
I am making Split Pea & Ham Soup with it tonight. yummy.
Family Floor Snuggles before bed time..
and sienna snuggling with the baby bump ;)
I love the shot of Ben snuggling with one of his ballerinas…hehe.
I grabbed up, the day after Easter, some discounted dresses from Target.
(Sophie is wearing hers) They call them their Wedding day dresses..
They posed for these photos. Sienna is wearing her ballerina
gear the easter bunny brought them. SOOO CUTEEEE.
The night before Easter Ben and I went with his
little brother, sister & her boyfriend to the phillies game!
I mean Pirates game.. ;) We lost. but it was still fun.. a fireworks night!
Can’t wait to see all of your posts on your Easter!
Love seeing how everyone celebrates it.
Natalie Martinez Rush
April 10, 2012 at 10:40 amYour easter looked fantastic!! I love the tea party idea and might have to steal that idea for next year! Also congrats on baby #3!! So fun!
Thanks for sharing and I so enjoy your blog!
Pams Party
April 10, 2012 at 11:13 amI love the Easter Bunny tea party idea. Too bad my kids are too old to use it. :( I think we had our last egg hunt this year because my youngest is turning 11 and said she knew it was me that hid them this year. Holidays much more fun when they kids were young and sweet and not preteens/teens with attitude. :)